Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Making fun of the Goddaughter of punk, or droves of emaciated lady-boys and man-chicks will pin you down and make you listen to Cute! Is What! We Aim For! (Not sure where the "!" goes.)

Can I bum one of those Apple cigs?

So who's winning this game of Message Board Hero. We all know Sigrdave won Firsties Hero. And Radiohead Sucks!!! guy won Dumb-Fuck-Troll-Thinks-He's-Funny Hero.

Firsties/ Fisties

Poodog you're a Wife Hero beater? I think you may need Counseling Hero. Perhaps maybe alittle One-Night-In-Jail Hero.

Opens you up like a Thanksgiving turkey. Just ask Radiohead SUCKS!!! guy.

I do that during Toilet Hero, or Shower Hero. Less mess.

Blast From The Past Says…
Don't forget about me.

Now If They'll Only Release…
Girlfriend Hero, Job Hero, Life Hero, and those McDonalds flavored Doritos.

I can tell you're 13, because you use the word cuntrag. I can also tell it will be a while till you get laid. Fuck off kid. Go suck off a Scientologist at their Big Suck-Off Convention.


"Due respect" means that respect is owed. It's not. Especially for any of the three groups you mentioned.

Dip-shit? I don't know, ass-face, don't you have more-words to mis-hyphenate?

Yes, It's still Big Melvins. Like an old Buzz singing with the young Buzz.

I made the Gaffigan connection as well…But Oh Face guy will do.

Also, Fuckin' Scientologist
Did Xenu influence Beck's album? I wonder how much money…er, what Becks theaten level is at this point?

I'll ask again. Does TV hate America?

Fuckin' Melvins!

Fuckin' Scientologist
That is all.

I was being hyperbolic. It just so happens that people here are generally on one side of the fence or the other.