otto mann empire

I don't even know why Harvard bothers showing up anymore. They hardley won!

I don't even know why Harvard bothers showing up anymore. They hardley won!

well said

well said

The problem with Ferguson's politics is that they completey dictate his so-called "scholarship." He's basically the Howard Zinn of the far right.

The problem with Ferguson's politics is that they completey dictate his so-called "scholarship." He's basically the Howard Zinn of the far right.

Don't feed the trolls, people

Don't feed the trolls, people

Could be worst. You could have been a graduate of Arizona State *shudder*

Could be worst. You could have been a graduate of Arizona State *shudder*

Not sure how the People's Republic has mastered democracy or medicine yet

Not sure how the People's Republic has mastered democracy or medicine yet

It should also be pointed out tha the Great Man Theory of history has been largely rejected by most modern scholars. Of course, it's still the prefered method of TV history special (I remember one History Channel special that made Robespierre into the French George Washington who single-handedly started the French

It should also be pointed out tha the Great Man Theory of history has been largely rejected by most modern scholars. Of course, it's still the prefered method of TV history special (I remember one History Channel special that made Robespierre into the French George Washington who single-handedly started the French

I say let Harvard have their football and academics. Yale will always be first in gentlemanly club life.

I say let Harvard have their football and academics. Yale will always be first in gentlemanly club life.

The tools that assured Western dominance: '“competition,” “science,” “democracy,” “medicine,” “consumerism,” and the “work ethic”.'

The tools that assured Western dominance: '“competition,” “science,” “democracy,” “medicine,” “consumerism,” and the “work ethic”.'

Bill Duke was also great

Bill Duke was also great