otto mann empire

And I dont think you have a firm grasp of the news

And I dont think you have a firm grasp of the news

Back, and to the left

Back, and to the left

I think we can all agree that this would have been a lot better with Rob Liefeld at the helm. That man is the true heir to Moore's throne.

I think we can all agree that this would have been a lot better with Rob Liefeld at the helm. That man is the true heir to Moore's throne.

One would figure that the guy wearing a hood would be a lot more likely to be shot by the vigilante than to be the vigilante.

One would figure that the guy wearing a hood would be a lot more likely to be shot by the vigilante than to be the vigilante.

I'm not even supposed to be here today!

I'm not even supposed to be here today!

And jeers to this rusty tail-gate

And jeers to this rusty tail-gate

Nice try, AVClub, but THIS is the only Primer to Prog Rock that I need.

Nice try, AVClub, but THIS is the only Primer to Prog Rock that I need.

Exactly. If he was involved in real estate, he obviously wasn't very good at it.

Exactly. If he was involved in real estate, he obviously wasn't very good at it.

Eh, I think Goofy requires a taller performer than most 18-22 year old women. Most certainly a man. And if he asked him to leave his family alone and he persisted, then he was being a little shit and Lydon was right to chase him off.

Eh, I think Goofy requires a taller performer than most 18-22 year old women. Most certainly a man. And if he asked him to leave his family alone and he persisted, then he was being a little shit and Lydon was right to chase him off.

Couldn't enjoy it any more, Hunswasel. Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Couldn't enjoy it any more, Hunswasel. Mmm, mmm, mmm.