otto mann empire

Will, it happened just months prior, and one of the officers does say that the reason they have that law was because of Diana's death (hilarious, I know!). Duty-to-rescue laws, which in all fairness were often mistakenly called Good Samaritan Laws, were much discussed in the media during the time. It's actually

That image will never cease to baffle me. What was the direction like? "Okay, now you're going to grabe him by the lapels, now face the camera, not turn you're eyes to be looking at him while still facing the camera"

Whatm you didnt like her Love and Basketball? And Neo Ned and Something the Lord Made were pretty good flicks

I'd still see this before any Nicholas Sparks movie. Besides, they all look the same to you, don't they George?

Not to carry water for Steve Harvey or anything, but I would hardley call him an "amature actor." That makes it sound like he has never acted before.If anything, his performance could be considered even worse for that fact.

Yes, but an even larger amount of the gross will go up Tim Allen's nose.

I think that's how we ended up with AIDS

Wait, Tim Allen is the narrator!? And I was maybe going to consider thinking about seeing this (but come on, who the hell pays 20 bucks to see a nature documentary?) after I saw Goodall on the Daily Show. Damn you, Stewart! You almost made me waste my money!

"Are you a Hebrew?"

You didnt get the make-up sodomy?

I agree with Futurama. Even if it wasn't necessarily intended as a series finale at the time, it still felt like a nice wrap-up to the show and Fry and Leela's relationship. Some of the episodes since season four (not counting the movies) have been among the show's best, and some fo been the worst, but still like the

Honestly, Sims off-hand notion that the finale coud have just been them waiting at the dry-cleaners doesn't sound half bad to me. I like the idea of the show's finale being indiscernible from the other episodes

"…and they're spectacular!"

I wouldn't mind them doing another season of the Real World, honestly, since it was so well done with the first season. In addition to that, I would really love to see Kids In The Hall or the Ren and Stimpy Show covered.

My favorite line from this episode has to be Frank's last line: "We have to get going. WE HAVE TO BEAT THE TRAFFIC!"

The legal thing felt like they were just trying to capture the zeitgeist of Princess Diana's death. "Hey! How perfect that this is in the news, and we can kind of run with it and relate it to the characters." Also, that's not even wha a Good Samaritan Law is. Those laws simply protect civilians who voluntarily help a

It's a lot like the Simpsons. The real genius behind it has little to do with the name most attached to it. That usually falls to people like show-runners who keep shit together.

The Babu thing did seem off to me, since Jerry really did have good intentions, and he did go out of his way to try and help. Ultimately, it really wasn't anyone's fault, but just a case of unhelpful meddling.

I think Kramer getting off scott-free would have completely redeemed the episode for me. He could have a line like, "Yeah, well, see ya later" and then meet up with Newman for pancakes.

I good point, and now that I think of it, I dont think any of the character witnesses had any connection to Kramer. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I haven't seen the episodes in some time (I really dont remember the Steinbrener thing, but maybe that was a DVD extra or it's been cut from syndication), but I dont