otto mann empire

Except Charlie is an idiot man-child. Kramer never comes across as an idiot to me. He's more like a pod. It's interesting that when Jerry first called him a pod, it was meant to imply that Kramer didn't have a human conscious or something like that. I think toward the end it almost became the opposite; that he was the

My feeling alwayswas that the penultimate clip show was something put together by the studio. It felt so out of character. I'd like to think that Seinfeld and David may have been opposed to it, but I really dont know

It's probably a union thing

Touché! I forgot about the 310; the Hamptons of Los Angeles!

Ha! That just dawned on me. Makes perfect sense.

That was such a weird non sequitur, it didn't really pull it off for me.

In LA, area-codes are highly coveted. There is nothing more hip and prestigious than having a 323 (Hollywood and most of central LA) or a 213 (Downtown). Loath to he who has 661 — Palmdale, Lancaster, sticks-ville. And you share it with Bakersfield of all places!

Damn you, Sims! Why can't you be more critical sometimes?

I rather liked Kramer's downtown-girlfriend story line. It's slight, for sure, but reminds me of something they would have done in season 2. I use the gag about being amazed that people in another part of the city are in the same time zone and tv shows come on at the same time. It works especially well in Los Angeles

"Wait, isnt that part of Canada?" -New York

I did notice that about two seasons ago the show seemed to be getting a bit too comfortable and resort-y. Last season was a nice return to form, and it looks like this season is as well. I like the show best when he goes places that you'd never think to check out as a vacation spot; whether it be thrid-world

I also enjoyed the Russian episode and had a similar blasé feeling about the Tuscany episode. Really, any episode where he gos to the typical travel-resort-type destinations, anything where he's spending too much time hanging out at five-star restaurants, or just looks too damned comfortable are usually big let-downs.

I also know many vegetarians and vegans who would never think to criticize a Mozambiqan for eating meat. Most of the time, their biggest moral objection, and most legitimate one, is with the way meat is farmed and produced in much of the first world.

I've done the vegetarian lifestyle before, but ultimately found myself backsliding so much I just figured, "who'm I kidding?" and was back on the meat wagon. Well, I do eat a lot less meat, and of that meat a lot less pork and beef than I did before, which is more about my health rather than ethical concerns.

Sure, but Kramer told Jerry that he would rat HIM out for murder. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Are kidding me? Next week we get "the Puerto Rican Day," easily one of the worst Seinfeld episodes ever! If there is ever a time for Sims' aggravating negativity, it will be then.

Don't watch 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

Well, I dont know if Mario was completely unprovoked. He is losing his pizzeria after all.

"It helps that Moore sort of looks like what we imagine the future to be, with his Mad Max clothes and haircut"

Good  point, but I'm guessing Slippery Pete some how hooked the Frogger u tot he battery while it was still plugged in, thus serving as an alternate source of power, alowing the Frogger to be unplugged without losing power.