Wait, where is the bathroom?
Wait, where is the bathroom?
Son of Dad?
I'm pretty sure De Niro had tattoos on his knuckles in the Cape Feare remake, though I could be wrong.
Yeah, but he didnt turn on him for no reason, he did to save Unle Leo because the manager needed to prosecute at least one guy for shop lifting. Given Leo's priors, it seemed as if he was going to be going away for a long time for some 3-strikes offense (though I'm not sure New York had such a law at the time. I know…
Especially Kramer wearing Jerry's too-small suit
Wow, I'm glad that got cut out. Sounds terrible. Even by Kramer standards, that seems way to wacky and contrived.
I take it that Ms. De Mornay volunteers at a number of nonprofit organizations, where she can channel her uncontrolable rage into a positive force to defend the weak and powerless, not unlike your average Batman.
'It's an Entemann's.'
'Do they have a castle at Windsor?'
'No. They have a case at the end of the aisle.'
I really dont see how the truck was unable to avoid the Frogger. It didnt seem to be going so fast that it couldnt stop, or that George suddenly darted in the way. It just seems that the show couldnt let George win, so the frogger had to be destroyed, even though it doesnt make a whole lot of sense.
He's a Mimbo!
Sims looks like a frog
Perhaps. I could see that too, but it seems a bit less likely
Also, she really wanted Kramer
Thanks for the insight on that. I figured that it had something to do with different regional expression. In Southern California, anyting and everything Hispanic would just be called 'Mexican' by a certain generation.
Yes, and clearly Jerry recognized that the tractor-story was the high-note of season 9. "Alright, thank you very much! You've been great!" I like how he just sort of leaves his (ex-)girlfriend alone in his apartment with Kramer and Mickey. I suppose he figured she'd just see herself out.
It's not so much be a white South African, it's more the implication that Darryl's family had to flee for some unspecified reason. Of course, as many people have mentioned, if Darryl is white than could just as easily refer to his family trying to escape retributive violence for his race, or about his family having…
fuckin' a!
The Daily Show had the perfect come-back to that; "Remember, it's not a lie if you believe it."
"Darryl is from South Africa, but his family got out of there. “For obvious reasons. You know how it is.” “Maybe… ” Elaine muses."