otto mann empire

I disagree that Mickey is always antagonistic. What about the episode where he needs Mickey to fill-in for the boy Kramer was supposed to be babysitting but lost? It was a brief appearance, but played out quite funny. Also, there are defintiely some jokes you could only do with Mickey. The a whole double-date story

I loved George's little hand motion and how happy he was while doing it, and then how utterly dejected he looked after Jerry called him out.

Another one I forgot about. How alarmed George got was perfectly weird and funny. Another line I use often, but forgot which episode it came from.

Of course Elaine. How could she not be number one?

Such a classic line. Maybe it is a testament to how forgettable the rest of the episode was that I often use that line when making fun of people but did not remember that it came from the Burning.

Like one of those old-timey cars

Puddy's low-key fundamentalism was the height of his character.

"Gonorrhea and…PCP addiction!"

"I suppose it all started when I got back from 'Nam, and THIS was my only friend!"

The way George and the Rosses have their epic tit-for-tat battle was hilarious and saves the whole story-line for me, but otherwise, I do see where Sims is coming from. In an earlier season, we might have found George trying to weasel his way out of having to see the Rosses. But at the same time this isnt TOO far out

What is kind of interesting to observe when taking in the whole run of the show is the way characters (and guess by extension the writers) tend to use "Spanish" as opposed to "Hispanic" or "Latin/o/a." It's odd, since it's not something that I would ever think of doing today, and you almost never see elsewhere on

That really is kind of the whole point of the show. Outside of Kramer's pals and Elaine, none of them have many friends. It's kind of silly and besides the point when some people criticized the show for not being diverse enough.

"I thought you said you were bring over a white boy? I don't see a white boy, I see a damn FOO'!"

*slow clap*

It's the same show, but with too many Irish, Scot-Irish, Poles, Bohemians, Sweds, Danes, Slavs, Fins, Frisians, Manx, Veps, Maltese, and Kalmyks.

It's a great qoute, but I don't think it would have been the first usage of German from the show that I would have thought of. There was Lisa, teaching us all the joys of Schadenfreude from "When Flanders Failed," Smithers' dubious translation of sycophantic terms in "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk," a specious-looking

I should point out, no fuckin joke, that the ad at the top of the banner is for "GoldMax" with a "20% BONUS" for selling your gold and jewelery.

job with Job

I think you could have simplyjust put a period after "…workd far harder to shame women." The part about saving babies is really only secondary to them.

The reason why many (though not all) anti-choicers are also opposed to the morning after pill (not the same as RU486, but I know you guys are aware of that) is because it ultimately really isnt about "life." It's about punishment. Punishment for having different sexual morals than they do. Any sane person who really