otto mann empire

I'm not one to be shy about criticizing the reviewers when they do a questionable job (i.e. SIIIIIIIIIIIIMS!!!!! Also, I stopped reading the Cowboy Bebop reviews because they got to be so half-assed) but I really have no complaint with the way Handlen has been doing this show. I hope he sticks with it for the next

Why did she need to run at all? These zombies seem to follw Romero rules of mechanics, meaning that they are shambling corpses with rigor mortis and could easily be out-walked to safety. No need to waste her energy like that

How can you have Henry Rollins and no Danzig? Without Danzig, Rollins has no will to fight. Also, I read "Master Chief" as "Master Shake," and I could agree more. I'm guessing Master Chief is from the comic or something?

Keep in mind, only three days have passed since the pilot

He does have an emo haircut like Daryl apparently has now

This show sounds really cool. One of the things that has a lot of potential in serialized dooms-day fiction, and until now I didnt think ever got covered in any serious way, was all the different ways small pockets of survivors would try to reformulate society. Anarcho-syndicalist worker's collectives, hippie communes

I wouldnt mind an episode that did nothing but follow a herd of zombies around.

Exactly. I would still be trying not to die, if at all possible. Also, it does give you more hope in the end. Now we know that a zombie bite is not necessarily a death sentence (though getting bit by a rotting corpse which has been feeding on other rotting corpses is still a pretty sure way to get a nasty infection,


Now hippie bashin, THAT I could get behind.

With a dry cool wit like that you could be an action star

Don't need no credit card to ride this train

No. Goddammit no!

Fucking brilliant, man. You should write for the show. No sarcasm here. The sad thing is, that would actually make a really good character, but I doubt the show will invest that much energy and backstory and context. Not a good person, but a damn interesting character. Why cant they figure this out for themselves?

Theres only ONE kid on the whole damn farm. How is it that NOBODY can keep track of him?

In a much better series (and I say this as a fan, but lets get real) Rick traveling around with a baby would be played out like "Lone Wolf and Cub," meaning that they would have to kill off Carl and Lori. Which wouldnt really be a bad thing.


The only problem with that is, if their purpose is to lead her to other survivors by scent, then whats to stop them just constantly leading her back to herself? Considering they are basically just walking teeth and stomachs, with no brains or sense of self, then they would just keep walking back to the closest human,

I love how part of your nitpicky brain can't handle a weapon which does not need to be loaded, will not jam, will not misfire, provides mid-range protection, and only minimal maintenance, but some how shotguns which never seem to rust, or need oiling, or general upkeep, and have infinite ammo just fly by without the