I heard Shane had a "gigantic hood" too, if you catch my drift. Very European!
I heard Shane had a "gigantic hood" too, if you catch my drift. Very European!
Agreed. The show has done a lot to improve her character, starting with Dale's death to tonight's episode. I surprisingly havent hated her at all during that time! Now if they can just keep that momentum going.
And then we all found out it was the baby. *cough*
That, and the fact that we know the Governor has been cast, means that we will hopefully get one of the best, most dramatic, emotional storylines to come out of the comic. Also, the promise of some fresh actors, a decent female character, and that Kirkman revealed that Morgan or Meryl will be coming back, means that…
I wont believe it until Roy Cohn comes out with signed legal contract stating that T-Dawg will never come back again.
Good one
I think that if Andrea's marksmanship skills have improved since she shot Daryl (and it looks like evryone's skills has improved, given the number of perfect headshots) then he sees her as a potentially valuable asset to the group. Also, she had the satchel full of guns.
Agreed. I king of wish AVClub would wait till the next day to post the reviews, cause by the time get a chance to log on over here on the west coast, there are already 1400 comments.
I think that was just Krikman, who's kind of a douche, just trying to deflect criticism with what he figures is some sort of humor.
I can see that being the reason, probably the type of excuse the producer would give on Talking Dead, but if that was the case it was really terribly played out. in terms of writing, driection, and especially by the actress playing Lori.
Also, lady-parts
The thing that I didnt get about that scene was that it looked like they were sitting there right next to Rick while she was doing her Lori impression. Though I did love Daryl's reaction; "What the hell do you want?"
Also, don't most RVs have some sort of roof entrance? Like, some kind of sun-roof, hatch, vent type of thing? I just assumed that they were going to get in through that way. Oh well, so much for Dale's legacy.
Jethro Tull
@scrawler Hey, blazer jacket, hoodie, dress shirt, tie… What else could I put on?
Alternately, Daryl picked the most maneuverable, fuel efficient vehical available. He would have to worry about car-chocked roads and running out of fuel a lot less than the people driving around in a thirty year old pick up truck. Read your Zombie Survival Guide, son. It should have read, "Man, I sure am glad I…
Oscar nominee T-Dawg in the stirring drama, "Driving Miss Lori and her suicidal white friend
Triple Brown Betty Combo!
@bcfred Oh, and I should probably also point out that those at the bottom are not always the most Native American. They're typically the most African
Well, race isnt a race, it's a social construction. Color preference and prejudice still die hard in most all of Latin America. Those whose appearance matches the gente de razon ideal are prefered over those whose complection and phenotype are closer to the stereotypical indio. Most darker skin actors in telenovelas…