otto mann empire

I rather enjoy Heller, so I may very well pick this up at my local library. What? I dont make a lot of money. Get off my back!

But I will have to see this hat

Alright, anyone else have any memories of dining at the venerable chicken house? There used to be one in Burbank, CA, and as far as I can recall, they did roast a pretty mean bird. And they seemed to always be packed. I was genuinely surprised when they closed down. Insert Gambler joke here, but I guess Kenny wasnt

His delivery of "Mess you up!" was great

Ah, thats true too. They really had terrible taste.

Love that business line. I repeat it all the time.

And he was so close to sealing the deal, too.

I'm sure their checks were also for a lot more than 27 cents. I love how Jerry looks progressively more nuts to Brett with each encounter, even while completely blowing his behavior out of proportion, because come on, who wouldnt be miserable living with such un-Farbman-like furniture?

"She just dislikes me so much, its irresistible!" Yeah, George has a lot of issues

I cant believe Sims didnt mention Wilhelm's final descent into madness; "My name, is Tanya." George's reaction is great, "Oh, him you take!" since he already knows Wilhelm is nuts.

I've always been curious about their tastes in music. For television there doesnt seem to be much beyond sports, and they watch any shlocky Hollywood action picture or art-house nudie, but music doesnt seem that important to them. It appears that they're mostly mired in whatever 70s classic rock was playing in high

Thats the impression I got too. Not just the insomnia, but something about living in their respective environments that affects their personalities


He's like Michael Vick's pitbull

You have seen through the looking glass

…while in line at Starbucks

It appears that about as many people give a fuck about talkin jazz nominations with you as give a fuck talkin about regional Mexican music with me. So to indulge; I'm pretty sure its really a race between Lady Gaga and Adele. The Grammy will go to Adele if they care who should actually win among that line-up, Lady

No point to the story? I just wasted three hours of my life! (I have really bad reading-comprehension and read quite slowly)

Let us not forget to also credit Ally McBeal for all it did for Asian Ameircan women!

Technically, any nightclub bathroom could be an unisex bathroom for women. For men not so much