otto mann empire

Wait, I want to read more about "The Dark Side of Garth Brooks"

Really, is there any chance that Los Tigres Del Norte are NOT going to win Best Banda or Norteña Album?

Wait, seriously? Holy shit! Alright, how about the blond daughter from Step by Step?

Whats wrong with Tom Petty?

I dont think steampunk was ever something hip

Is this that thing about the phoney doctor injecting transexuals with cement and Fix-a-Flat?

When will VelJohnson get is own TVLand sitcom; with, how about, Ted McGinley and  Jane Leeves?

Joyce DeWitt? She's not just an actress, but a well-rounded person, with her own friends and credit cards and keys.

Also, she had a pretty obvious bite mark on her right neck and shoulder. Dont mean to rain on your parade.

Oh shit! I'm sorry man. My last two comments pushed your two comments to the seventh page, to languish forever in obscurity. My bad.

Was it Hershel who fixed his arm? I thought it Maggie or Mrs Otis. But I could be wrong.

@avclub-42998cf32d552343bc8e460416382dca:disqus Actually, I had totally forgotten about the whole radiator thing. Good call. I think theres plenty of evidence to suggest that Dale's actions were well within character.

It's interesting that you think being Asian is Glen's defining characteristic. It would be one thing if Hershel continually refered to Rick as "that white guy" and Lori as "that white lady" and Shane as "that other white guy." I'm guessing Hershel has no reason to think of T-Dog because he's not even aware he exists.

The gun-hiding would have made more sense if we had some build up to that point with Dale expressing his skepticism of the guns' value vs. their potential risk to harm the group over the course of a few episode. We got a lot of Dale expressing his opposition to Andrea having a gun, but not much on the idea that the

Shane wants to have control over the group, and eventually lead it again as he did before Rick arrived. Everyhting he does, thats not related to saving his own skin, is about having domination over others for his own benefit. Doesnt mean he is not a compeling character, but everyone saying "Shane is right! He's

Haha! Stop trying to project present-day values on people living in the present-day! Also, what Pacific are you talking about? How old do you think Hershel is? He's not in his 80s, for christsake. Maybe he fought in Vietnam, he looks to be about the same age as my uncle, but go around talkin about those Asian boys

This principle seemed to work for the Dixons

Sure, every character doesnt need a SUBSTANTIAL scene in each episode, but they do need a scene in each episode. Basically, everyone seems to have something deeper going on in their lives/pysche than T-Dog, who aside from getting sick at one point, has no reason to be on the show.

Really. Dale's original confrontation may have been contrived, but having lived with Shane for a few months, he knows that this is a man who tries to maintain order through intimidation and brute force (look at the previous season), aside from having also witnessed Shane pulling a gun on Rick. I know Handlen didnt

"Shane needs to go up to Zuccotti Park and waste all those louts, thieves, and rapists, but only after he sends all those Muslim pigs back to Hell. I AM THE GODDAM SHANE!"