otto mann empire


Easy answer:They found Ash's magic Boomstick

Release the robotic Richard Simmons!

And it helped to remind us all that T-Dog still exists. Good for you, T-Dog!

He's history's greatest monster!

I think the thing about Shane faltering when it came to Sophia was to show that for all his aggression, Shane is really a coward, and was terrified of shooting Sophia lest coming off as a monster in front of his group. Ulitmately, what Shane wants is to dominate the group again. Look back at those early episode from

Jim got bit, infected by the virus, had to die by the virus, then turn into a zombie. Sophia probably died pretty quickly of blood loss, and then it wasnt too long after that that she became a zombie.

Of course, tharts exactly why Hershel knew the whole time and wanted Rick's group gone as soon as possible. I will only have a problem with the show if they decide to accept the notion that Hershel didnt know because Otis was killed. As Archmage pointed out, that had to all happen pretty quickly for Otis to have no

I still dont buy that. Hershel probably keeps a detailed accounting of all his zombies. If Otis got shot before he could let Hershel know about the new little white girl zombie he just caught (man, that sounds really pervy), then that means Otis had to have caught Sophia, brought her back to hte barn, decide to go

That seems a little out there to me. Hershel seems like he would have required a detailed accounting of any new zombies put in the barn. If he didnt know every zombie by name, he would have known them by gender, age, race, etc. If Otis had snagged Sophia, it was probably about a day before he shot Carl. I'm sure

Somebody here here REALLY appreciates the Muppets on a much deeper level.

Why's that one Muppet made of leather?


Good Christ ona cracker, that is the most godaweful sitcom theme song EVER!

This is weird. I was just watching Hamlet 2 about an hour and a half ago.

I thought it had something to do with the Moz' Chicano fan base

Camren Sandiego was always a pretty mannish woman, so I could see that

It's too bad. She was a good stand-up, and her show deserved kudos for trying to be the single-mother version of Roseanne, and including the wonderful Dave Thomas. But it was ultimately pretty forgettable. The only really notable thing about the show was having one of the more ridiculous instances of the

good one

True, you can do that on Spike. And if you time your meals just right, you can get in there after they've already aired the three prequels, and just enjoy the originals, though come to think of it, those also have some bullshit digital revisions. Come to think of it, your best bet is to find the last Star Wars VHS box