otto mann empire

Thats good and all, but if your son is so impressionable that him mimicking the mild violence occasionally on display in Disney and Pixar movies is a problem, then you should probably avoid Princess Mononoke until he's a bit older. He'll being trying to shoot-off people's arms and heads with an arrow, and stabbing the

Your nephews are also your cousins? How does that work?

Herschell Gordon Lewis, Guinea Pig after the kiddies go to sleep (my family's generally a little conservative in that way)

Being Italian Catholic, my family's go-to post-turkey activities were always bingo (my aunt has a home-game set she always brings) or a few rounds of seven-card stud or Texas hold'em, usually accompanied by lots of booze and pie. As a rule, my great-uncle Giotto always delt the cards, and when he passed away the card

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was, though its been a while

Actually, he does say that, but I believe that it was at Monk's later on when he was recapping the experience with Jerry, from whom he gets the protege idea. Hope that doesn't ruin your memory of it, though. Still a pretty funny scene.

Is this the one where Clooney goes to college?

"A tempting schmear of authentic Jewish delicacies."

Or, for that matter, Kramer making his famous pasta sauce in Jerry's apartment

I love George's lingering infatuation with Elaine

I love the sleazy way Kramer talks George out of his shirt. You get the impression that he's done it many times before with the opposite gender.

"What? Get off the line, we're trying to make another call."

After all, he did out-Neil Neil

Wait, you heard that I was in an accident, and then you stop for some JujyFruit!?

No thank you. Too fruity.

The nasaly George-like voice, and the dawning realization on George's face, easily makes up for any other flaws in the episode

I always assumed that the whole gag about Eddie going nuts after he goes on a date with a girl and she doesnt call him back was a nod to Taxi Driver, since, basically, thats more or less what happened to Bickle. And of course, his copywriting, and insistance on dating Jewish girls, were pretty hilarious

"Do a barrel roll!" Oh, wait, wrong one

Skrillex; "CALL 911!"

Married…With Children did an episode about it, so you know it's true