otto mann empire

Well, for the most part they have. It aint like this is the Youtube comments section or anything.

Well, thats exactly the type of reality show trope I hope they avoid. Instead of turning regular folks into obnoxious celebrities, it would be better (and much more informative) to drop in on one community's daily life, then move on to another, perhaps illuminating upon similar themes in new locations each season.

So no skunks in the premier episode? Thats big ol' fat F from me, then! And "a smiling, quiet gent named Johnny" sounds like someone who does terrible things to the animals after quitin' time.

I think the idea of the show exploring inter-generational issues would be pretty interesting, and if it travels around to different locales and neighborhoods every season.


Agreed for the most part. I think that Abrams here is making some attempts at profundity, and in the end misses the basics. This is really a very simple episode; its meant to reveal in part the source of Faye's character, and fill in a bit more of the history of the Bebop fictional universe, and it succeeds at that

How could anyone not like him?

No mention of any of the Nickelodeon classics? How about the Darlings, the Wrigleys, the Funnies, or the Pickles? Great folks all around

Also, if your dad is pushing blow all over Detroit, you're sure to get some nice Christmas presents.

Definitely the Conners all the way. They had the best Halloween parties

Jaime Hernandez and Alan Moore?

While any of the Ventures, except for maybe Jonas Jr., would be a fine choice for TV parent you'd NEVER want to have, I'd say Dr. Orphius would actually make a pretty good pick for preferred parent. Hell, throw in the whole Triade you got a "My Three Dads" thing going on. So yeah, fuck the Outrider

I see what you did there

I love that they're main problem with the show is that it doesnt have enough film criticism! At least Ebert thought that Duke had a future


I'd also like to throw in a vote for Kids In The Hall. Shadowy Me on a Shadowy Planet were awesome!

So with B&B back, and the boys reviewing music videos on a regualr basis, do you guys think there might be a chance MTV will be returning to more video programming in the near future? What with the return of 120 Minutes on its sister channel, though much less auspicious, and all.

Quite glad that its not widescreen.

I was actually pleasantly surprised that Judge decided to go with reusing old animation for the couch segments. One of main fears when this relaunch was announced was that it was going to have some terrible modern-Simpsons-style digital coloring in widescreen format. The fact that Judge went in a whole opposite

Deserves it just for that hilarious Chapelle's Show bit. "Waitn' ina chow line!"