otto mann empire

Yes to Venture Bros!

Really shocked that none of the AVClubbers said Cowboy Bebop. I know that its been mentioned another, similar Inventory, but its just pure perfection. It gets me so ramped-up whenever I hear it. Probably the only theme song that I would want to listen to on its own, and that I would still enjoy just as much even if it

Its the season when they all join the Tea Party

So I guess the Simpsons will be taking on Avatar then? How timely

Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am, Pan Am!

It all took place in a snow globe

Are you, like, being sarcastic, dude?

Eh, modern invention in the sense that the whole gun thing lasted only a few issues, and he rarely ever pointed a gun at any person when he was shown with one, let alone shooting off some rounds into anybody http://sacomics.blogspot.co… .

Billy Tan never did it for me. Cant quite put my finger on it

Well, it bares repeating that Regenesis was a pretty disappointing read. Fine, we know now who is going to be taking sides, but you're not left with any real understanding as to why. Pick up Uncanny X-Men: The Last Issue instead. Much more rewarding look into the key characters and the choices they make, and far

Bravo, Handlen


I'm here to eat grilled grasshoppers and kick ass, and I'm all out of grilled grasshoppers

I'm going to have to flag this

In New Zealand there was some sort of fermented crustacean beverage that had the consistency of snot that Zimmern actually said he would never try again

That oughta hold those SOBs

She had to go get her head shaved

The way they just sit there, in the dark, is fucking hilarious

But that paper belongs to Mr. Potato-Man?