otto mann empire

How could we forget Festivus! Frank's absolute highpoint

I dont think you're in the minority here; I absolutely loved the last two seasons, as much as anything from season 3 on. The Comeback is so priceless and brilliantly orchestrated, it makes up for any possible shortcomings of the rest of the season, which are few indeed.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that scene from the workshop Mamet-like quality

I would describe it as, restrained jubilation

I have a feeling we were lured here for some nefarious purpose

Thank you, mad. That was the review I was hoping to read. I dunno, I felt a little underwhelmed by this week's review. Its obvious that its an A review, for sure, but I guess was so blown away by this book I thought that everyone else would be too. But I suppose if you're not as invested in these characters as the

I've always been more Xaime than Beto fan, but the space-age tragic-sex opera from last year was stronger than this years King of the Vampires. I never audibly said, "Holy shit! holy shit! holy shit! I cant believe he did that!" the way I did in a crowded campus coffee shop the way I did while reading last years story.

I would like to see the series finally put out of its misery, but in a way that gives the creators one last season truly fuck with Fox, and America. To put it bluntly, hand over all animation duties to Jon K.

That song doesnt usually last 45 minutes, but we got into a real thing there. Plus I forgot how it ended.

The other element of this pop culture Balkanization is the reality that my folks have likely never heard of Mumford & Sons, Foster the People, or any of the other current bands popular on modern rock radio, including Bush or Staind. They would have as much name-recognition as The Hold Steady or LCD Soundsystem. My

Incredibly shitty, and mentioned above much more deserving bands. Hell, they could have doubled up on the Clash and include "White Man in Hammersmith Palais"

Uh, hello? Ever heard of a little song called "Alex Chilton," by the Replacements?

C'mon pal, even Futurama, on which Gore is a frequent guest, has made jokes about the whole internet thing. Lighten up, comrade.

I havent read this yet, but it sounds like this will be the Ultimate parallel with Regenesis; have X-Men who are ostensibly heroes draw a philosophical dividing line, and make other mutants choose. Is that right? If its the case, I have nothing against it, just noticed a similarity is all.

That shortpacked comic was brilliant, really spot-on. New media wont kill comcs, but a corporate culture completely tone-deaf to what will turn 12 year old female fans of saturday cartoons into 22 year old female comic readers will certainly kill the industry off.

They do it the same as the aliens-built-the-pyramids assholes do; pretending that they're being objective and academic by always claiming, "hey man, we're just asking questions, thats all." You can pose a statement as a question, it doesnt change a thing. As Ditko would say, an Asshole is still an Asshole

Are you being sarcastic, man?

That North Korean musical is good example of where the show is today. Years ago, it would have been enough to make reference to piece of information, then move on from there. In this episode, it means an immediate cut-away gag that went way too long. Same with that training flash back that just seemed to keep going

This would have been better if you just said "FIRST!" and ended it there. Seriously, what fuck does 'first recent' mean? 'First,' by definition, can not also be 'recent,' unless it also happens to be the 'only.'