otto mann empire

Still better than Billy and the Clonosaurus?

I saw Coraline and Up for the first time in 2D, and I dont feel that I lost anything from the experience. Both were splendid family films I would be happy to return to. Avatar in 3D was still a piece of garbage. The only entry on this list that doesnt seem like it would be a superfluous addition to a good movie or


What kind of gimmick is this?

Well, the fact that the Cleveland Show is listed as an "Other Show" seems to indicate that it will not be reviewed regularly anymore. Which is fine by me, though the show has a certain 'higway-pile-up' quality where I check in every now and then just to see if its really as bad as I remember. It rarely disappoints

Clearly. With.


sucks. With.

Because the show has NEVER referenced anything 30 years old in an episode, except for Citizen Kane, the Godfather, 2001, Clockwork Orange, etc, etc

Not rage, but maybe a little mild disappointment. I'm relieved Bruce is Batman, but I guess I was really hoping for something that was more of a reset, in the vain of Action Comics. I understand that 'Killing Joke' is still in play, and Nightwing is deservedly very popular, so a complete back to square-one revisioning

and of course, BANDAI is Japanese for first…

…but I will have to see this hat

No cannibalism, but a whole lot of badgers

When will Simon Cowell's sex dwarf get eaten by a badger?

Well said, but I add that Susan represents the puncturing of all of George's delussions, more so than the end of any 'life,' aside from a life he has invented in his mind. Without Susan, George would never have any chance of fulfilling his dream to name his child Seven, because there is almost no chance of him ever

You've already metioned this

Yes but he wears it well, kind of like John Goodman

Goody Goodwife Goodman

I think Smith has even admitted he just came up with that original ending becuase he didnt have any good ideas on what to do instead. I believe it Mosier who talked him out of it, but I could be wrong. Might have been Harvey. But you should definitely see Clerks II. It was really in the spirit of the original and

We can all shake on that