otto mann empire

Likewise with, "He's bebopin' and scattin' and I'm LOSING IT!"

Are you an assassin?

yes, he is merry


Its quite the debauched bacchanalia over there at J. Peterman. Opium dens, wild office sex, Nazi-sympathizing British cake. Its anything goes, all the time.

George leaning out the window while he was freaking out definitely sold that scene. I dont know if he wanted to scream at the cars, wanted to get away from Susan, or just wanted some fresh air, but it was brilliant

I'd say that Newman has a well-worn history of jerking Kramer around.

Who named their kid ''?

So your first child will be one? Kinda like e.e. cummings?

Also, the ending is a little odd, and the cannon-fire came too early

Am I unpatrotic if I find the chicks with the sabres kinda hot? Reminds me of Gaddafi's "Amazonian Guard."

I must admit that I havent seen his HBO show in sometime, but in a fairly recent interview on Larry King (obviously not that recent, but still within the last couple years) he said he still sees himself as a libertarian. Once again, that fine if he wants pot legalized, but it sort of ignores a whole set of policies

Exactly, its not REALLY art if anyone got paid for it. Thats why amatuer student films are always the highest quality.

I wouldnt even say Tarantino-esque to describe the violence. In fact, everything about the movie is like a throw-back to the 70s/early 80s that Tarantino could never hope to make as well. The gory violence comes in two really sudden and surprising bursts, but it doesnt linger for long and its defintiely NOT the whole

This movie is the real deal. The only genuinely 'A' level film I've seen this summer. There has been some good, 'A-' level stuff, but this is only solid 'A' to come out in awhile. All the perfomances were spot-on and very believable, and the general tone and atmosphere was the right mix of brooding and tense. Its

"Noone" is a pretty egregious grammatical error all the same, and really fucking annoying.

Yes, its The Believer—Part Deux ina car. Gosling plays a teenage Jewish neo-Nazi, but this time everything takes place in a car. Thats exactly right. Bingo

My main problem with Maher is the wild inconsistency of his political opinions. I appreciate a guy who could change his opinions, but despite his bluster, theres just not a lot of substance there, or clear understanding of political philosophy. he still touts himself as a "libertarian," who favors higher taxes for the

Oh, so we dont like House of the Devil now? Alright, whatever, I'll go with it. But I sure do remember everyone thinking it was one of the best horror movies in the last ten years when it first came out.

Brooks was after full domination of the hammock district. The last piece of the puzzle was 'Put Your Butt Here,' the Ryan Gosling got invloved