otto mann empire

These reviews were great, very witty and well-written. Was this only covering the first season, or will this become a regular feature? For some reason, I have no rememory at all of the LA season, while the SF season really sticks out (obviously) as well as the Seattle season for some starnge reason. I'd love to read

Your picture does not match your Matchbox 20 reference

Homer's fill-ins at work: the drinking bird, a chicken, and of course, a brick tied to a lever

You should be drinking more Malk

Good point, but let us not forget Marge's Law, that when ever a wife marries her husband she takes everything that comes with the name, "including DNA!"

What are talking about!? Bart Gets An Elephant is a pure gem!

Of course you're right in a real-world sense, Kong, but the episode in question presented the Simpson's gene as a guranteed genetic ticking time bomb. So this is merely an attempt to reconcile that concept with the clear counter evidence that Herb Powell presents.

I wonder if the writers even thought of Herb when they were coming up with the 'Simpson's gene.' Considering the fact that said gene supposedly was passed from father to son, and only to sons, then why didnt Herb Powell become an unremitting failure like Homer? As far as we can tell, Herb attained his new wealth and

And for you fat kids, my exclusive program of diet and ridicule will really get results!

Ya know, Pugs Malone, you can now edit your own comments. Not saying you need to, and only the biggest trolls try to negate someone's opinion based on a typo, BUT you can do that now if you want

Ah man, Conan AND Leonard Nimoy references in the same episode. The internet will be clogged with nerd-gasm

I love how Herb annoyingly grunts as he yanks away the bird

Homer, he knows how a light switch works

Lousy beatniks!

No, there are some kids who are pure deamon-spawn and really need that shit


Of course, Billy Graham's Bible Blaster was introduced in the Death of Maude episode, just as Flanders was being changed from the flawed but decent man you described, and into a one dimensional parody of the Christian Right. Its a change I've much regreted

If the range ended at season 8, then I'd be with you on that. Definitely my least favorite episode of all of seasons 2 through 8. Canin Mutiney a close runner up

Well, if thats your range, then I'd say all of season 9 with the exceptions of Joy of Sect, NYC vs Homer Simpson, the Cartridge Family, Bart Carny, Trash of the Titans (thanks to the great Steve Martin cameo cancelling out the terrible U2 cameo), and the first two-thirds of THOH VIII.
Of season 9, the worst of the

Burns has expressed his antipathy for lawyers in other episodes, but I think I'm with Rabin on this. Something about his diatribe just felt slightly off, like it would have sounded better coming out of another character. The Roy Cohn-esque lawyer's acceptance of the coffee was great, though. He took absolutely no