otto mann empire

Theres something hilarious about watching an idiotic buffoon triumphantly march off into the sunset

west coast says soda, like any sane individual

Its like facebook. Pretty soon people will be complaining about it, and then saying that they want an 'unlike' button. Actually, I'm surprised that the AVC didnt give us that option

You know those guitars that are, like, double-guitars, you know?

Oh yes, its funny how that vampire book reference is the one thing from this episode that feels contemporary

I love Lisa showing him up in that scene
'Quit it!'
'I was just jamming with ya'

Hail to the bus driver/
Bus driver, bus driver/
Hail to the bus driver/
Bus driver man!

"Hey, do you have any of those 'Where's Waldo Books' or anything written from the vampire's perspective?"
So Waldo is still pretty dated, but the vampire thing has come back in style

Dumpster Brand is top of the line! This is just a Trash-Co waste disposal unit.

I'll show them, as soon as I get my Harvard diploma!

If you're 43? "I sleep in a racing car, do you?"

Two word review: "Shit Sandwich"

"Lisa, if you dont like your job you dont strike! You just go in everyday and do a really half-assed job. Thats the American way!"

They only played for forty-five minutes!
What a rip!

And I for one welcome our new insect oevrlords, and remind that as a trust TV personality, I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves

I thin I was at just the right the age for the episode to really ring true; about Bart's age, maybe a year or two older, and my older brother was a dead ringer for Otto, and so many of his friends behaved in the same exact way. And yeah, Bart had no real reason to be attracted to Spinal Tap, just like I didnt have any

"…and the Chipmunks hes seen on TV/a little Spanish Flea"

Yes, another in the long line of Bart fantasizing about having a pitiful future. It goes right along with his future as a drifter or tester of experimental soft drinks ("pleasing taste, some monsterism"). Theres something very true to life about an eight year old finding the life of a low-life bum very appealing

I remember something about Clarissa wanting to see Pearl Jam (actually pretty believable for her character) and trying to get oout of spending time with her square aunt. The aunt or whoever said something like, 'you can make jam with your friend Pearl another day!' Wakka wakka wakka!

I'll show him whose the sponge!