otto mann empire

Reggies is a real hell-hole

I love his reading of that line. Not really outraged or offended, just kind of confused and bemused

Gotta give to David Hyde Pierce. "Now now Bob, you know Cousin Murle hasnt been quite right lately."

Havent they disabled firsties yet?

Fair enough. I got things backwards

I think I saw that place on No Reservations

As I recall, even as early as the episode where they/we meet Elaine's father he's order Scotch with no ice, or something like that. I dont think George was ever a teetotaler

I think that maybe Sims is just doing an extended riff on the Sensitive 90s Guy character

"Well I got a LOT of WORK here!"

The street toughs were a briliant piece of comedy. Sims is way off

I hated the "schnoopy" bit because it was just bad writing. Theres no way in hell Jerry would ever behave that way. Just completely out of character with no explanation for it came to be

Heres whats so brilliant about the street toughs; the fact that nothing about their sexuality is mentioned, and that none of the characters ever give any sign of acknowledgement of their sexuality. Theyre just a couple of very assetive, very threatening hoodlums with good

It also contains sodium benzoate

Thats bad!


Crap Review
For writer who spends a lot of time letting the reader know just how above MTV he was in college and still is today, Nugent sure does write some incoherent gibberish;
"its corrupting influence was fact-acting and an awesome thing to see."

Theres nothing Scorpio hates more than being interupted in the middle of a fun-run

Clearly, Zapp Brannigan is Hydra's main strategist

High Voltage!
It is so apt that as I read this at 2:30 am pacific time, a commercial for some new piece of crap compilation cd called "High Voltage!" comes on playing Korn, POD, and good god almighty, Powerman 5000. This is mayber the most depressing, entertainingly miserable experience I've had reading the AVClub.

What about a Skrull with cancer? Ooooooo! Truly the most dangers game

Ah, c'mon people. This is just Moz trying to get attention and piss people off. Would John Lydon have done any differently if he were a vegitarian? The only thing you can say is that at 53, he's getting a little too old for this shit. But I'm still fairly entertained