otto mann empire

If anything, this episode presents Batman, and our general concepts of what makes a superhero a hero, or a righteous person, with a sticky moral and ethical dilema. Yes, Batman's mission is to bring criminals to justice, no matter what. And more to the point, it is his mission to eventually dismantle the criminal

Also, after reading zxcvb's comment, I think he has it right. Matt could never be a real human being again, the best he could hope for was the chemical treatments that would at least prevent him from completely liquifying. And since Batman has a pretty strict anti-killing policy, I'm not sure how he thought things

I still love this episode. Whether Batman is portrayed as a fanatic, dick, and/or just a fallible human being, I think it makes for a much more interesting Batman, and is probably the reason I still remember this episode years later without having to rewatch it.

Both Tremendous Episodes
Not much to contribute right now, just wanted to say how glad I am that this show is being covered in the Classics. Sava is doing a great job, and clearly knows his stuff. These are the two episodes that I would choose to show a skeptic to demonstrate the power and quality of this series

Eh, in my opinion, the Marvel shows of the 90s were nothing compared to Batman, Superman, or Justice League TAS. X-Men and Spiderman were the only long running ones, and they are definitely not as good as you remember. They are fun, sure, and it can be fun to return to, especially if your nostalgic for that, but it

That was always my reaction to this episode. Now this is one of my favorites, definitely an A, right up there with every other Clayface episode despite the fact (or maybe because) Batman seems like such a dick.

Your band will be gay

I'm still trying to get over Seth Putnam's death. Ah, he had so much unrealized talent!

I think that the distinction really pivots around Superman, at least for myself. I could just never get into Superman with the lone exception of All-Star. He is just too bland, too all-powerful for me to feel any real sense of drama while reading Supes. And there isnt much else in the DC line-up to really melt my

This bra-bomb better work, Nerdlinger!

I teared up a little bit when Libby couldnt find the sun to make herself sneeze

Better than Frazzled Jerry is Mundane Peterman. "Oh damn, I forgot to buy plant food again. Well, I bet I got a coupon!"

Wait, Scrouch, you PAY to go on the AV Club?

I'd say a Young Ernest

As they said, once your script gets sold it no longer belongs to you, it belongs to the studio. Its really quite difficult to figure out whose to blame (or praise) for the quality of a movie. Its a collaboration

Looks like your watching a Tommy Vu infomercial

I also do not like festivals, but I also do like the AV Club, so I will not be going

I dont think Thor necessarily towers over all the other Avengers in the comics

Someone feeling neglected?

I love how fabulously creeping Craig Ferguson was last night when he had her on and couldnt stop referencing her chest