otto mann empire

How can we be so sure that this isnt the real Stan Lee? Sorry, I was too busy swooning

How can we be so show that this isnt the real Stan Lee?

yeah, I meant Ed from Cowboy Bebop, who is a girl. I was just wondering if, within the context of that show, her character would be considered a kind of imp, though she never really does anything to harm the rest of the crew, shes pretty helpful, and if her character is maybe a little too fleshed out and well-written

My problem with History is that it not just bargain-basement dumb assisty, its that it seems to be on a mission to deliberately do damage to the public's understanding of History. Its willfully destructive. How else can you explain a show like "Ancient Aliens" which lends credence to some of the stupidist

You forgot Ozmodiar!
The tiny green alien only Homer can see

Would Ed be considered such a 'loli?'

"There's probably a fine version of this show that could air on The History Channel"
Perhaps on Science or NatGeo. There is nothing of any redeeming value on The History Channel. I think a better discussion would be, 'which formerly educational cable channel has become the greater cesspool of moronic crap, thus

I thought this was, like, I guy punching a Ford truck, or getting hit by one and trying to stand up against, like seeing whose more powerful, the Man or the Ford, or something like that

Well, I dont know about the facial hair controversy, but I do know that this episode came out a solid year before the long hair controversy. According to the commentary, this was a gag that few people (includung Mattingly, but also Shearer and Cartwright) understood, but was based specifically on Mike Reiss' father,

Its not that people are ignorant of Earth, its that no one cares about Earth anymore. Its old news, a back-water burg thats being constantly pummeled by meteors and inconsequintial to anyone's life anymore.
The time frame of the series does play havok with what they want us to believe and understad about the universe.


Of All The Players, Who Did The Best Job As A Voice Actor?
Obviously, Strawberry had the most lines, but I think he sounds a little stiff. All in all, I really liked Mattingly's delivery, and even though he was barely given any lines, I thought Smith did a pretty good job

I love in the commentary when the writters recount that Mattingly complained, "Hey, why do I have to be washing dishes, Sax gets to be in combo!" and then they say, "sorry, its in the script," as if the script cant be changed. I imagine that theyre all pretty childish in their daily lives

His name rhymed with Manseco

Thanks for that, Pugs. I love the idea that of all the shitty things his done in his life, "Homer at the Bat" is the thing that was too emotionally damaging for him to talk about, but continues to huant his dreams and chase him from interview to interview like a spectre. The guys an asshole

You will give a hundred and ten percent

Ozzie and the 'Straw

Bea Arthur's Big Fat Black Snake; where Arthur works on a snake farm. Too soon?

uh, AV Club did interview Dave Sim, you know. But I've come to the conclusion that, unless they're saying something reallt toxic, I dont care what any actor's/actress' or musician's opinion is on anything. It doesnt make a damn difference to me anymore. That said, I find Roseanne to be very funny and fucking crazy,

Fuck Dawes!!! Its all about Dwarves, bitch!!!