otto mann empire

At least he hasnt lost his perspicacity


Crap, I could never unhear that

Hey, I got pictures of you!

A+! Oh, Bart, why couldnt you have forged plausible grades?

You think you had a rough night? Try sleeping on one of these! *Holds up conch shell*

The Sooner We Can Get Her Out,
The sooner we can have omelets!

Oh, nothing Marge, just a little incident involving the BOOGEY MAN! Which wouldnt have happen if YOU had been around to keep me from acting STUPID!

And look out on the corner of 14th and Elm, because I dropped my bagel!

I think that this was around the time that Groening started complaining about the size of the pupils when they would get the animation back from Korea. Just looking at that picture above, Homer does look a little stoned

But were Gaga's people involved with the video. Hell, I think Al may be a greater video artist than he is a musical artist. A video that went after Gaga's blatant theivery of another blatant theif should have been ripe for the piss taking. Agreed that Al in drag would have been better than a CG Al/Alice hybrid. I

I hope that the one positive that we take from this tragedy is that "Andy Milonakis you are so right on" becomes the new "would you ask Tom Petty that?"

I'd say that there are a lot of similarities between Homer's Enemy and the Principal and the Pauper, in that both are pretty character driven, and have some goof laughs throughout, then both seem to signal an irrevocable change in the tone of the series into something completely unlike the preceding seven or so

I suppose this completes the Rule of 3s of celebrity deaths

Ugh,Glee has really become the new Hitler of Internet conversation killers; as soon as you have nothing intelligent left to say, just accuse the other person of watching Glee. Nobody demands that you participate in this discussion, so if its not your cup of tea, then you can just leave, you NAZI!

@YO MOMA- So, wait, are you saying that "Lisa's Rival" has no heart? Why, it has the beating of the hideous heart! But in all serious, its an almost flawless character study of Lisa, scrutinizing the basis for her sense of identity. Its easily the equal of "Summer of 4 ft. 2"

Stoner's Pot Pallace; flagrant false advertising

"Summer of 4ft. 2" is an episode that shows some of the real depth to her character. Shes proud, but lonely, and when facing the brink of three months trapped in the Flanders' beachhouse with just her family, she makes a move which is so unprecedented for her but completely understandable, regretable, and still very

Smith on the commentary tracks sounds exactly like an adult Lisa Simpson, its adorable. But I must disagree that the cast in general lacks vocal range. Yes, Smith is just Lisa, and Kavner is strictly the Bouvier women, but Castellaneta, Cartwright, Azaria, Shearer, MacNeille, and Hayden portray numerous distinct

Alright, my own personal Season 8 breakdown (because everyone cares). I'm not going to give anything a letter grade here, but just trying to catagorize the episodes-