otto mann empire

And that is my "Shoe-In" of the Week! (holds up large shoe)

The Secret War of Lisa Simpson is a little dull, forgettable (I totally forgot about it, even though won it) and Date with Density is alright, not great, but I'd be damned if Lisa did not inspire the writters to really push themselves to deliver excellent, character-driven comedy. Rabin really hit the nail on the head

Its called "Handle with Care!" I play Jack Handle, a retired cop, who shares an apartment with a retired criminal. We're the original Odd Couple!

And when the doctors said that I didnt have worms anymore, that was the happiest day of my life.

Thats a pretty big lock

I Dont Get BBC America, And I've Never Seen Little Britain
But just by looking at that picture of the butt-ugly cast, I new it had something to do with England

Welcome to the AV Club!

And, I dunno, it just seems more appropriate that Jet should be a black man

To me, the worth of a dub version of any movie or tv show, whether it be cartoon or live-action, is more the talent of the VOICE actors (and it is a totally different skill from any other form of acting, but I'm sure we here are all pretty savvy to that) than its fidelity to the original language script. Not that it

Anime G2G; well is certainly sympathize with the feeling that its reducing an entire medium down to a single genre, but I think that it does serve a utilitarian purpose which makes since. Most Americans anime as either kids stuff or porno, and either way its all just pretty disposable stuff and bad engrish

Agreed that this the besty recap thus far, and that they've only been getting better since the beginning. I am quite pleased that Kanno is now getting some attention for the vital role that she plays in the series.
As an introduction to Faye, this episode operates the same way that Asteroid Blues did for Spike; we get

@phodreaw- Actually, you can see plenty of nipple at the Movies section of Youtube, which has different standards than the rest of the site

@fastandsloppy- According to wikipedia, Grant's battlebot was named Deadblow, and still appears on Mythbusters from time to time, and Adam and Jaime's robot was called Blendo. However, I havent been able to find anyvideos of Blendo vs Deadblow, but that would indeed be awesome

Were'nt there three Indians last year?

It looks to me that the photo-shoped cast was intended primarily to cover up his fat gut

I'm curious, Rabin, did he have anything to say about Lark Voorhies? She seems strangely absent from this book, despite the fact that she was probably the one girl who had the most scenes with him. Likewise, does he talk about the College Years? That happened before the New Class, if I remember correctly, so why did

I dont think it ever aired in the US on adultswim, and its not on may DVDs, though it may be on some more recent editions, but here it is on Youtube, in three parts

Good tip.

That may be the view of Spike and Jet, though Jet is much more accomodating, but later in the series you'll find many more examples of strong, capable women who regularly outdo their male counterparts (my favorite is VT). In fact, I'd say that by about two-thirds of the way through the series, Faye becomes the shows

(dumbass accidentally pressed Post) I wonder if Watanabe would have done an episode like that if he hadnt been pressured by the network.