otto mann empire

Mish Mash Blues
I wonder if AVC will cover "Mish Mash Blues," which was a one-off special episode created when the series was briefly cancled when TV Tokyo got a little skittish about cartoon violence after there some violent incidents in Japanese schools. It was actually a pretty interesting philosophical exploration

Its coming. You get more details about his character in each episode, his beliefs and ethics, but then he does get his own episode later on. On that note, I hope that Abrams doesnt just treat this like the Spike Show except for those episodes which explicitly focuses on one character, because I think every episode has

Something French like that

Oh yes, Ein is definitely the MacGuffin of this episode, the whole series actually, since we never do learn exactly what a "data dog" is, except that hes exceptionally smart, and might have some ability to communicate with other animals or even computers (though Ed handles most computer communications later on). Also,

Something changed in the type of kids they cast for the show. It seems like in the first half dozen seasons or so, they tried to find some fairly distinct people; stereotyped, cliched caricatures, sure, but they had clearly defined personalities and sometimes differing ideologies. At some point, the producers no

He has become known for writting Green Lantern and Green Arrow over the last couple years. I guess he got pretty serious about the whole comic thing

I remember Seattle being the last season I watched regularly, I guess I was 15 or 16 then. By Hawaii, it became so painfully obvious that people were just acting out and mugging for the camera, I didnt bother with most of it. I remember that the New Orleans season had a similar Julie storyline with that Mormon chick,

Hehe, that oughta hold those SOBs

He is heading in the direction of, um, you know that place serves chili

A reference to Real Genius perhaps?

Buzz off, Miller!

Damn, looking back, I stand corrected. Good one, Toddy. But indeed, Brockman's polite nodding during Krusty's Grandpa-esque story was the epitome of show-biz journalism.

Would have been great if they could have worked Dan Aykroyd somewhere in the backround. After all, Homer does look like him

With this hook, and this piece of chocolate, I'll land yer boy. And I'll gut him for free!

The Details May Be Dated, But The Message Is Still Current
I'd say that our society today is still no less reluctant to praise victimhood and uphold it as some sort of nobility than it has ever been. Successfuly taking the victim role gives you immediate cache, makes you an expert on all things related to whatever

Hes in for some lovin'

@Dr. Dementor- I think a lot of that came from John Swartzwelder. Its been mentioned in the commentaries that he had a certain flair for old-timey lingo, especially old prospector, hillbilly and 1930s hobo style slang. He worked on this episode.

Wadda scoop!

It got regifted. What was it with our fascination with labelmakers in the 90s?

Hello, everybody. I'm Archie Bell and I'm also the Drells! I've got a new song called "Tighten Up," and this is the music you tighten up with!