otto mann empire

To be fair, he really did play the town for a bunch of saps. Expecting professional behavior from the SPD is giving them way to much credit, so I pretty much only expect them to go along with the mob. Its only after Willy inspires everyone with his sexy pics does the town turn to action

I think its probably dated due to the graphics, but now, what with the interest in 8-bit games, maybe we really are circling back on our selves

YES! This has to be the introduction of amazingly buff Willy, no?

The fact that Brockman is in the same pose as Cronkite when he anounced the Kennedy assassination, removing glasses and all, makes the gag feel all the more inappropriate and hilarious. Perfect

For the marriage of style and substance, visually and thematically original with some serious philosophical depth, the only two anime I can think of equal to Cowboy Bebop are Neon Genesis and Ghost in the Shell. Even Watanabe's latter work with Samurai Champloo, while still very good, pales in comparison.

Yoko Kano
I remember back when the Batman: TAS Classic reviews were first introduce, and there was a lot of supposition that Cowboy Bebop could be the next cartoon series to get covered. Then, when the Classics schedule was first announced, I has jazzed up like everybody else that our suggestions were taken seriously,

Hey Propinka, really like your take on this ep. As with many CB episodes, the featured characters are often the real focus of the particular episode, and provide depth and insight into the social universe Watanabe has created. One thing I would disagree on, though; Antonio, Carlos, and Jobim were definitely ogling

And they got exactly the dedication they deserved…

I cast ye out!

In fact, in Rand-McNally, people wear shoes on their hands and hamburgers eat people.

Maggie- …Moe

The few times that those old snpp reviews was not far off. Definitely a classic

Thats okay, I was just thinking about Sybil Danning

Just got to disregard the letter-grades. If this were entirely objective, then everything would get an A. So I think that its just about Rabin parsing his personal favorites when comes to handing out letters.

Its perfectly understandable that everyone would be pretty defensive of their favorite cartoon dad, but Homer has been clearly an alcoholic from the first few seasons. I know that it may not be a particularly good episode, but all the way back to "Homer's Odyssey" he was considering stealing from Bart to buy a beer.

Hey-a Moe! Why-a no talk-ita wit yer accent anymo!

Not quite as great, but still memorable:
"'I'm so glaaaad you enjoyed my son's blood, and your caaard was just greeeaaaaat! In case you can't till I'm being sarcastic. YOU STINK!' Read that back to me, boy"

This has been one of the best reviews Rabin has written for the show. I love the connections made between Moe and Chayefsky, Lear, and Cassavetes. I think that its really apt. "As if encountering each for the first time in a way that made them hard to comprehend individually and impossible to even consider in

Mrs. Kraboplectic, I really need my drum sticks back

No Red Eye?
Hey, Cowboy Bebop was another tv series that kicked things off with a fictional, PCP-like drug that kills everbody. But this one you inject in your eye!