otto mann empire

I'm sorry, but I have to agree, he was boyishly handsome! Now, that doesnt age well, but he was a pretty good lookin' fella back in the early to mid 90s. Also I think Rabin makes it clear that he doesnt think of KITH as some kind of leading-man mill, but was just pointing out that if any of the hugely talented and

I dunno, Ralph Macchio played a convincing teenager when he was in mid twenties, and he doesnt look so bad today. It is kind of hard to transition from "boyishly handsome" to just plain "handsome" when you lose the boyish part. Even if you dont gain a lot of weight, you start to look like Billy Quiz Boy, like a

Bad Taste, really? Let me know if they get Female Trouble. Then I'd be really impressed

Oh yes, and can somebody please get me a nice class of iced tea, because I'm FIRSTY, BITCHES! AHAHAHA!

Shes so dead, and lovely now

The Fat Show
I think that the only reason why people assumed that this was a "fat show" is because we havent seen a fat, white women in a lead role of a sitcom since Roseanne, and certainly never one who is supposed to be in the throws of young love, as opposed to matronly in a long marriage. Its normal as hell to see

Jer clearly just has a thing against Conan O'Brien. No need to say that ANY episode between seasons 3 and 8 are "just alright." That kind of talk is pure venom

Those were both terrible episodes that I would in no way miss

What about the bafoon lessons? The four years at clown college?

How do you sleep at night?

Thanks for the clarification, Buzz. And I feel the same way about the elevation of Gil to a regular supporting character after the retirement of McClure and Hutz. Annoying and grating, maybe the worst thing about the series from seasons 9 on.
One of my favorite nonSNL/Simpsons role was Virgil Robinson in CB4. He could

Well, I think people are mentioning Andy Dick because he was on a recent WTF podcast and spoke of Hartman, as Rabin recounted in his review for today's episode. Also, I knew that I had heard about the Andy Dick getting Brynn back on coke thing, I just couldnt remember if this was a theory that Joe Rogan was

That 'yes' was a wonderful little piece of bad acting.

Didnt Joe Rogan accuse Andy Dick of getting Brynn Hartman back on coke, or am I remembering that wrong?

Well, Burns went to Yale, but the writers are mostly from Harvard, so they give Burns lines like; "Let Harvard have their football and academics! Yale will always be first in gentlemanly club life"

To be fair, all the kids in Springfield were pretty fat. And this was in the early 90s, before the whole childhood-obesity epidemic. Simpsons were ahead of the times!

Hot dang! Thats how they got me to vote for Lyndon LaRouche!

I know that its probably cliched, but my genuine favorites are "Homer Goes to College"," Marge vs the Monorail", and "Rosebud." If I had to show anyone an episode of the Simpson for the first time, then itd probably be one of those three. Just to round out my personal favorites, though; "Homerpalooza" "Homer at the

Thanks for contributing, Dr.

Rabin forgot to mention that this episode has one of the all time best anti-sentimental endings. I love when this show defies sitcom-cliche schmaltz and goes for the more real-world conclusion. Instead of racing with the car he and his Dad built together, surely coming in last, but hey, they still had