otto mann empire

I also noticed that Skowie was the name of McBain's band-leader on his short-lived late-night Fox talk show. I wonder if thats the same Skowie? Or if thats some kind of nick-name for black people back in Austria, so he just calls every black person he sees Skowie? Also, that video is indeed pretty awesome.

Ya know, you COULD, like, post this on the comment that your referring to. Like, as a "reply." They letcha do that now.

In Jamaica

I'm sure that its only coincidental, but I'm probably not the only persone who has observed that the Simpsons golden years corresponds with Hartman's time on the show. God, I would have loved to see that live-action Troy McClure project that they were working on.

Ooooh! Now I get it! I get jokes.

They Shot Skowie!


"Its like a salad, only BIGGER"

My favorite special episode was the one where the dumb brother is dating a Chinese chick, then someone at the mall calls her a chink, then Corey makes a big speech in class where he calls Shawn a wop dago or something, and everyone learns not to be prejudice. Yup, really funny episode.

That picture above is the worst thing I've ever seen in my entire life. God, I wouldnt want to watch this crap even for money.

With All Of This Review Swapping,
Where the hell is the Simpsons Classic reviews? This is the second damn week in a row without a new review! Rabin has to get off his ass and get to work

You have to have some respect for the AV Club, they dont give a fuck if you buy up ad space for three weeks, if your movie is shit they'll say it. Either that, or thay need to start advertising a better class of movies


There really isnt much about the premise that would have me going for the show to begin with, I sometimes like workplace comedies, but mostly hate anything where the focus is almost exclussively on getting high (Half Baked a notable exception). So I guess what is working for me is that the leads all seem to have some

Great Premier and All
But how about a review for Workaholics? The shows really starting to grow on me, and if its going to be following SP every week than I think it might be worth covering it.

Granted that I'm no expert on the show, but I really cant think of any particular 'golden season(s)' of South Park. It seems to me that there has always been a pretty varied mix of near pitch-perfect classics and some really disappointing groaners in every season.

Yeah, idiotking, thats exactly the same way I understood the review. I'm pretty sure that all this strange commentary is coming from people who didnt actually read the whole review. Also, I'm pretty sure that Karla is just trollin' under various, unregistered names.


At least we are all aware that Dylan Dog is coming out soon. That films looks powerful!

They have gone to the realm of wind and shadows