otto mann empire

"It's a vicious cycle not easily broken"
HAHAHA! They accidentally posted this five times! HAHHAHA!

Coming soon, The Arbor 7: This time, its Earth Day, bitch!

Pfft, its just like Madagascar and the Wild all over again


Homer, we're out of vodka!

"Oh great! Homer Simpson wrecks my pig, Cypress Hill steals my orchestra, and now Sonic Youth is in my cooler! Get OUT of there, you kids!"

Indeed, the exact quote was "a lot more fun," and Bart did say it. Lisa's much darker comment to Homer was along the lines "too much of you love can be a little, well, scary." Lisa can pretty dark all around. As for Lisa and Marge's relationship, I see two angles on this. For one, the writers probably find more comic

Lame. Take your own advice.

Nice Write Up
I really like Rabin's assessment of Homer and Lisa's relationahip as an ongoing negotiation over just how little she can reasonable expect from him, and Homer's overcompensating efforts to redeem himself. As Bart has said, "Your halfass under-parenting was a lot better than your halfass over-parenting."

I love Homer's string of non-word noises. Snuh, Ba, Ma *little smile*

"Saxa-ma-phone" was not in this episode. "Saxa-ma-phone" came from seventh season's "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodly," when Bart and Lisa are put into the Flanders' foster care, and Homer remorsefully sits on Lisa's bed, missing her "jazzy-tunes," and attempts to play her saxaphone (dont know why she couldnt take it

Alright, now you're you and I'm me.

eh, this is one of the lazier gimmick posters. You could at least affect some kind of outdated, racist argot, or entertain us with riddles.

"And dont forget to purchase some orange drink, for the long car ride home!"

The Simpsons should not have any shadowing on the people. Thats definitely my least favorite aspect of the new look as of late.

Jamaica: Last in bobsledding, first in limboing!

"Nothing wrong with cale"
No, theres nothing wrong with John Cale. Fine observation indeed.

Wow,I'm surprised that "Cool Runnings" didnt make the cut for this list, as it seems oddly short (arent most Inventories at least 2 pages?) I remember being weirdly obsessed with this movie as a kid, just rewatching it on vhs constantly. A great deal of it was fabricated, like the whole thing about using push-car

Butch Baker
Uh, this sounds a lot like Boys, which isnt that great anyway. Other than the fact that this book's protagonist is a superhero rather than a kind of superhero-hunter, how does this compare to all the other cartoonish sex-and-violence comics?

Hey, for Sugar Ray Leonard, its on da' house!