otto mann empire

Point Break, muthafucka!

It IS All Pipes
I always thought that George, while not totally in the right, has a better case than Elaine or Jerry. After all, there really is no difference whether you pee in the shower or in the toilet (I'd say it actually saves water to pee in the shower, so George is being more ecological), and of course pee is

I love the 'ya' knows', because it seems to imply that Kramer believes Jerry and George should completely understand his action, as if they're just normal, everyday things to do. It actually gives you some idea of Kramer's bizzare view of the world.

Also great on Dr. Katz

I mean that in a good way, with all due respect, your sisters a slut.

Regarding the overdone violence in a lot of recent ToH; I'm convinced that it has some Family Guy influence. So many FG episodes have the big punch-linf being someone beaten bloody or some long, drawn out fight scene which are always neither funny nor interesting. Its lazy and takes the idea that you repeat something

I've been pretty critical of these write-ups myself, but I think that there has been a lot of improvement, and I thought that this one has especially well done, though I complete disagree with Rabin's take on the Burns/Frankenstein segment.

@hatchet- That instance of Burns old-timery was taken from Wizard of Oz.

X- Wild Gift
Siouxie and the Banshees- Juju
The Creatures- Wildthings
Echo and the Bunnymen- Heaven up here
Killing Joke- Whats this for?
Birthday Party- Prayers on Fire
The Blasters- s/t
Stiff Little Fingers- Go for it
The Fall- Slates
Oingo Boingo- Only a Lad
Black Flag- Damaged
Ramones- Pleasant Dream
Go-gos- Beauty and the

Second Gand of Four, as well as PiL

On constant rotation at every slightly gothy, post-punky dance club in LA. I love me some soft cell, but I've probably heard that song more than Tainted Love at this point.

I wonder if they feature any tunes by Narf Herder

Boy, you guys are pretty cynical. I dont believe that he was intentionally given terrible material just to bomb for our amusement. Its a long held tradition of the cc roast to stunt-cast a celebrity with no business being there, and to write their jokes for them. And its a long held tradition for those jokes to be

Hens Love Rooster, Geese Love Ganders, Everyone Else Loves Ned Flanders
Looking at Rabin's question (not just all his hi-larious gaffes and typos), I believe that Flanders is in fact fully aware of Homer's dislike for him. He may not be aware of the extent of Homer's animosity, but he certainly knows that Homer doesnt

"But to root for a man who's teetering on the precipice of complete doom, as Homer does here before a last-act change of heart here"
-I'm guessing he means "to root AGAINST a man" or "to root for THE FAILURE OF a man" since to root for someone who is close to complete doom would actually be a noble act. Also, here and

Flanders is a better citizen
AND a better citizen!

"I dont watch SNL cause its funny, I watch it cause its my civic fucking duty"

"Everyone Who was…Featured in Sassy Magazine"
Including Boyd Rice?

The Penske File
This seemed not at all surreal to me since its actually happened, twice! In two seperate classes, once as an undergrad and then later in grad school, I never turned in my final research papers. These were classes in which the ENTIRE grade was based off of the final paper. In each case, I intened to
