otto mann empire

On the commentary, they reveal that the only real asshole from that episode was Canseco, which makes a lot of sense.


I just want to say that I dont think Mr. Lisa is a "terrible" episode. It has a lot of great satire in it. The hackneyed writing of Reader's Digest, the great Thomas Nast-type cartoon of Fat Cats and Pigs in Washington, the bit between Jefferson and Lisa, all great. But unlike this episode, the writers decided not to

Ah, yes! Rusty and dull!

Is it a Bible story?

And of course, the silly voice is completely unnecessary. As if the postal worker would have known Homer was lying if he had used his real voice, like the entire charade hung on Homer maksing his voice. Its like an onion, but the more layers your peel away, the funnier it gets.

Well, duuuuh!

Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington is actually one of my least favorite from season 3, and Lisa episodes are usually my favorites. It feels like some odd hold-over from season 1 or early season 2. There are good moments of satire that get too fouled up with a saccharin conclusion.

uh, the skin!

Of course, I'm going to have to say "The Otto Show," but "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk" and "Lisa's Pony" are close behind. I also got a lot of love for "Stark Raving Dad," but I know thats controversal.

Well Mr. Burns had done/the power plant had won it/with Roger Clemens cluckin' all the while/Mike Scioscia's tragic illness made us smile/Wade Boggs lies unconscience on the bar room tile/We're talkin' softball/From Maine to San Diego/We're talkin softball/Mattingly and Canseco/Ken Griffey's grotesiquely swollen

This review is a definite step-up from "War of the Simpsons." Brief in the best possible way; concise and succinct. Some great observations about what made this episode, and the early seasons in general, so enduring. I look forward to next season's write-ups.

Joey's little pat on Smither's shoulder is the real kicker for me

No Maggie, not Aztec, Olmec, Oooolllmec!

Dont you think that its kinda odd that in a Super Bowl episode featuring Dolly Parton, we didnt get to see any football or hear any singing?

How Did A Lion Get Riches?
It was the olden days!

I believe that this was before the Great Comic Book Collectors Bubble, and the idea of any comic being worth tens of thousands of dollars had yet to enter the public consciousness

I Call Bullshit On This
There cant be a movie without James Duval

Plan 9 from the Matrix Space!

Oh, I know that he is capable, which is what makes these posts so diappointing.