otto mann empire

I made the mistake of reading this right after I read the most recent Overthinkingit review for Cowboy Bebop. It was 5 pages long, exploring the Lacanian concept of jouissance in relation to the show's fight sequences, the work of William James, and the history of the surrogate families in television history. And this

I'm Worried About You, Rabin
This cant be for real. You had to have accidentally submitted a rough (very rough) draft instead of the final product. There is no way you could have intended for this review to be this bad. Obvious typos (MAUDE took Homer, Algonquine LONG table?), rehashing points made long ago in

Boy, this is turning out like some bizzaro Jeff Foxworthy bit.

I Am Supremely Disappointed
I assumed that this would be about skinheads. I had a huge erection.

Something something fuck bus?

I partially blame the AVC for this. They kept posting their crappy videos everyother Laugh Track.

This would be much better if it didnt exist

after 20 seconds of this I had to stop it. I wanted to throw up

Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.

How could they have omitted Maude, shes such a fox! I mean, whats on Fox tonight? Something ribald, no doubt!

I'm surprised that nobody has made the comparison to David Spade yet. Theres some old school Dennis Miller in there as well. Honestly, I really disliked him at first only from his stand-up special, but the show grew on me because of his Web Redemption bits. You get a since that he actually has a lot of sympathy and/or

@Wedgie- Wow! If that story is true, then Brads a bigger asshole than I thought!

I love drewogatory's post! The Minutemen are to Sublime as anything thats great is are to anything thats terrible.

People say that I look a lot like Staley, but I think thats mainly because I'm missing a few fingers.

Haha! This was some great stuff on Sublime. So I was born and raised in Los Angeles, a couple years older than this Rome guy so of the same generation, listened almost exclusively to old late-seventies punk and raggae and ska in high school (though I hated every ska-punk band, almost without exception. My interest in

Hep, hep, hep, hep

The Twin Theatres: Never Forget

I remember the good ole' days of having to make sure I had at least 50 cents where ever I went just in case.

How can craps be loose….Oh, I see what you did there. I disapprove

Kudos to you, Mr. Liquor