The Magnificent Sluggo

I wonder what the cute girl at work would think if she knew I listened the the entire 25 minute ending theme for FF6 in my car. And Dancing Mad.

She was hot in Blade Runner.

You ever notice how those two stereotypes completely contradict each other?

A couple of people have been bitching about the lack of British comedy, so I'd like to say that The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series contains many passages that are profound or nearly profound.

If this is real, this is fucking hilarious. Apparently this video met Youtube's strict "family safe" guidelines:

When I first say Crystal Skull in theaters, I hated it.

All in the Family - "The Stivics Go West"
Always Sunny - "The DENNIS System"
Breaking Bad - The one with the broken plate and the dude in the basement I've only seen the 1st season
Flight of the Conchords - "Mugged"
Futurama - "The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings"
LOST - "Through the Looking Glass"
Louie - "Night Out"

Confession: I've seen a handful of Simpsons episodes, but I never really watched it because my parents were uptight christian conservatives who thought Bart's "bad attitude towards his parents" would corrupt me or some such Dan Quayle bullshit.

One thing I've learned from the Internet is that you can think of the most obscure, shitty, forgotten thing and there's ALWAYS a few die hard fans of it who bothered to track it down and post about it on Youtube. Incredible.

Uh, guys…that Hobbit trailer is fake.

I recently watched that Andrew Dice Clay skit on Netflix.

The Aaron Neville version ain't too bad either.

He got lost in his own museum!

I was brainwashed by my parents to think you could only like The Beatles or The Rolling Stones.

Who is that woman presenting with Lenny Kravitz at the beginning of the U Can't Touch This video? It's driving me crazy.

Saying it was going to be another Tommy-like rock opera doesn't do justice to how batshit insane and  ambitious Townshend was during this period. It was going to be a feature length movie written by Townshend, set in a post-apocalyptic future where everyone wears futuristic suits connected to a "grid" to protect from

Actually that's not true. It was originally supposed to be helium, so when he said "baby wants to fuck" he would literally sound like a baby. That was in the script. Hopper convinced Lynch to change it to nitrous-oxide (from personal experience I'm guessing)

Did they not mic him properly or something in that movie?