The Magnificent Sluggo

Of course, otherwise I wouldn't like the original trilogy.

Call me crazy, but I like the puppet better. The CGI Yoda reminds me too much of my great grandma ma

Look at the emotion…there's no way she was lying about that.
It's really sad that she decided to cover for him during the trial. Papa Joe's brainwashing is strong…I tell you, they're more like a cult than a family.

The Final Cut also has more violence that was only available in the "International Edition"

Technically he was in Link's Awakening, as one of the Nightmare's forms.

"Dance Band"

"Dance Band"

This show got REALLY shitty towards the end, but Nip/Tuck featured fantastic musical choices. In particular, the season 2 finale. They used an obscure Art Garfunkel solo song "All I Know" or something during the final montage, and it was perfect. Should have ended it there.

Youtube link?

I prefer The Killing Moon, although the INXS song seems to set a more "sci fi" type feeling to the movie. The only thing I liked better about the Director's cut was the inclusion of "Stay" by Oingo Boingo. I mean, it was only like 5 seconds in teh backround on a radio, but you're making a movie featuring a Halloween

Speaking of Randy Newman and baseball, what about "I Love LA" during the Naked Gun finale. Song in films, this is like my favorite subject

Also "This Big Hush" by Shriekback.

Apparently he originally wanted "Won't Get Fooled Again", but Townshend wouldn't let him and he was upset. Weird that Townshend doesn't mind giving songs away to car commercials but not that……actually I think I remember reading that Townshend having conservative views on the Iraq subject…could be wrong.

Speaking of Lost in Translation…."Just Like Honey" was a perfect fucking choice for the end of that movie. Beautiful.

I feel you were unfair on Pina Colada….it's not some selfish fantasy, it's a sweet song about a married couple who reignite their passion.

No love for Barry Andrews?

I am!

You're mine now….
but you're probably not first.

Looks like Zach Galifianakis without the beard.

Necrophilic nostalgia revue? Sign me up.