Career Office PA

Yes and yes it is. It's also interesting that people who don't watch the league seem to have picked it up.

Thisshowha Slayers?! Where?!

I worked on the Ironside Pilot, but when it got picked up they moved production to LA. I feel like I dodged a bullet. A bullet that would have put my career in a wheelchair, so to speak.

Absolutely. Final Draft fills in character names, so they'd have to type "W-A-L-T-space-J" every time Walt jr spoke.

Now if only this interview was conducted by the ghost of Richard Harrow.

I haven't watched the video yet, but I assume it ends with Banks sighing, finishing his drink and shooting somebody in the head.

I'm pretty embarrassed by how long I spent after posting that thinking to myself "oh no! What if it wasn't meant as a 30 Rock reference? Mister Hyde is gonna think I'm an idiot!"

I remember when people caught 30 Rock references.

I was on the lawn at the Homdel show and by far my favorite part was hearing other lawn people yell "Business Time" at FOTC (they didn't play it) and hearing Jersey douchebags say "What the fuck is this gay shit? Go back to England!"

I'd like to know what Don Cheadle has to say on this matter!

Uh, excuse me, is there an Orange Julius stand on this floor? 
 I'll sell you this one, it's almost full!

I just came.

This is really MAKING me ANGRY!!

No, money down!

I got an Aching Nad notification for this?!

Hired goons?

I wonder if they used that as their production code name. Sure beats the hell out of Spider Man 2's "London Calling" bullshit.

I don't remember the exact quote, but i loved "You know Howard down the street? You know what they call him now? Howard the dickhead. Because he's such a coward."

Why isn't everybody talking about his amazing work in "Shoot em up" all of the time?