Career Office PA

As someone who's technically some kind of accountant now, I feel like I should be indignant about this. But instead I'm going to play on this sweet 10-key calculator!

The Academy give roughly zero fucks about anybody below the line. I can't wait for the winner for cinematography to try to talk about Sarah Johnson only to be played off.

If you loved this, you'll love Run All Night!

I will say that Elliott Kalan looks EXACTLY like he sounds.

Anybody else think it's really weird to see what the guys from Stuff You Should Know look like?

Aw, I remember my first free snack job. I also filled my backpack with them only to realize soon after that eating granola bars and chips for breakfast and dinner is super depressing.

"I love movies, not being set on fire!"
Doug Benson won CBB with that line.

I live in New York City! *pats self on back, goes back to not seeing Asiz Ansari*

Between that quark bit and the smock bit, I was super popular in Physics and Art Class back in my day.

From what I've heard it was Tina Fey wanting "more time with her family" aka "more time acting in movies."

I like to say quark! Quark, quark, quark, quark!

And Bored to Death!

Nobody read cigarette ad copy like Jackie Gleason.

"So long, gotta catch the 501!"

The Bear! The Bear!

Eskimo Brother has actually become a thing I've heard people say who as far as I know have never seen the League.

I love this show, but "a word that’s not nearly as funny as the show thinks it is" is definitely a common theme.

It was LITERALLY not on twitter, guys.

Oh…oh yeah. Oh…oh yeah?

But what's happening with the Murphy Group?!?!?!?!