
That would be completely interesting. No lie.

I'll say it: GOOD for the felony murder rule. Fuck these people and their dead-end worthless lives. I feel good about paying to have them in prison rather than screwing up stocking shelves at Publix and having to hear their managers berate them.

I would do anything Bonnie Hunt told me to in bed. Happily.

Ol' Ben
Has the creepiest face I've ever seen on an actor. The off-center nose/mouth thing, the lashless eyes…uch! It's like he's genetically designed to illicit emotions of creep in all who look upon him.

Campbell, Winkler, Favreau, Jeff Garlin and Dave Foley.

"It'll be
a long time before Barry Zuckercorn calls anyone a 'homo' again."

@ladydisdaine - shut your fucking hole, slag.

I didn't read this
just scrolled down to see if she'd been in anything I'd seen after I saw her picture and said, "Who IS this?"

One Flag, you're not comparing similar events. No white person has ever said anything to the screen in my presence, and I went to see the Larry the Cable Guy movie.

Gritty and flavorful
like a Snickers someone dropped on the beach. Their loss, my tummy's gain!

I want to see this
on opening night SO BADLY. Just sit in the upper corner of the theater and listen to what the folks say to the screen. Good gracious, that would be sweet!

I've enjoyed the favor of more than one lady who basically looked at me and said, "What the hell, why not?" So that was another Bill scene that was great for me. Right on, Riff Randell.

Oh Dane!
his last line was funny, mostly (78%), but he looks WEIRD without his douche/gel coif. And way old.

Uch! A failed blurstie and a troll, all in one.

Bill was
the unexpected highlight of this show for me, comedy-wise.


Fuck them kids! Yeah!

Perry Bible Fellowship
exists to kick your ass.

Not the strongest half hour of comedy I've seen
but the shot of her looking at the fire alarm for just a second was really funny.

The real question
is who will inherit his Captain Obvious cape and gauntlets.