
^ Logged in to say this is my favorite AV Club comment of all time, easily.

Mmm mmm mmm
Sagal's fine like wine from my time in the mine!

Louis C.K.'s show
Sounds pretty good, and I'll definitely watch as many as they make, until no more are to be watched.

THIS dirty cunt
From the linked-to article: "Americans have decided to be stupid and shallow since 1980"…when we stopped paying attention to Joni Mitchell. Meanwhile, Dylan's making the best music he's made in 30 years. Joni Mitchell is the WORST, fuck this has-been Canadian cunt.

Todd, did you just misspell "critiquing?" BRUTAL irony. Holy balls, I love it!

I hate
these old men.

Where are all the albums
about covering up child rape? Stick to what you know, Vatican!

Maaaaan, forget Little Brother!
What about Little Nephew???

How the FUCK
does TV Club think it's going to get away with not covering Metalocalypse?!

You know someone's on the down side
of their career when they start boxing. Mickey Rourke. Tony Harding. Hitler. Sherlock Holmes. Nobody learns from history, people!

I'm sure 14,532
people have already said it, but the irony of Rabin calling someone a hack while misquoting the maxim "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" is rather delicious. Sloppy, unfocused work there, Rabin. Eszterhas would approve.

These people come across as douchebags!

It is inevitable
that the "Let The Right One In" remake will feature Dakota Fanning, and that's stupid.

Again you cowards force me to point out the obvious
(1) Hip-hop fans don't read, they're too busy burning 45 copies of the latest Naledge joint.*
(2) The issues were always 20 minutes late to the stand.**
(3) The IRS frowns on staff getting paid in the stickiest of the icky.***

I don't know why
because I usually don't care, but I thought it was sweet that she and Ryan O'Neal got married a few days/weeks ago, right before she died. She was a pretty strong lady, from what I could tell.

Travolta's Fu Manchu
is more convincing evidence that he's gay than that picture of him kissing that guy on the steps going up to his plane. Also, Robert Shaw is the man.

Stage cues
are very important. They weren't for The Who or Zeppelin, but when stuff's going on around you onstage you best be 'ware. Just ask James Hetfield.

So I saw it yesterday, and I'll cut Phipps a LITTLE slack. Outside of Zach G.'s contribution to the film, I'd give it a B to B-, depending on how much you disliked the Asian gangster character. Zach Galifianakis completely made the movie for me, and even managed to shock this sick fuck during the end credit montage

It's like Lou Gehrig dying of HIS OWN DISEASE. I mean, who didn't see that one coming, right? Am I right, folks?

I've gotta call some shenanigans here
What is with AV Club's very friendly interview with Helms, then having the person who reviewed The Hangover tell people not to go see it? Have you no loyalty to Galifianakis and his commitment to weirdo comedy, Phipps? My man Zach doesn't merit much more than an "attaboy" in