
Illusions, dad!
You don't have time for my illusions!

"It's not easy bein' white / It's not easy bein' brown / All this pressure to be bright / I got childrens all over town!"

I don't know why that "rock and roll" didn't come out correctly…the vagaries of fate, etc.

This was the only
time I've watched this show since the auditions, and that Adam guy really put my teeth on edge. He performed exactly like a drag queen, and only approximately like a robot set to "rock and roll …stomach turning is what that is, friendo.

@gouwutru - I hope one day you're standing in your driveway and you see your wife and kids driving down the street, almost home, and a dump truck t-bones them, and you can watch your youngest son, the one you loved the most, fly out the side window and *splat* into an oak tree. You miserable fuck. Too good for the

@leeharvey - Exactly: she's holding my hog while I get a handful of that ass. I know you didn't "mean it that way" but your failure fell backwards into a correct sentence. Fell back..and to the left. Back..and to the left.

Also, the above is my 100th comment on these boards, and I'd just like to say how much I love it here.

I enjoy starting an argument rationally, then spiraling into rage-filled dementia as quickly as possible. Which explains the last two sentences of my above post.

I don't think your use of the word "destroy" here is either accurate or helpful. Amazon is a phenomenally efficient, almost comprehensive online marketer, and if the corner bookstore can't compete, tough shit. Amazon has done more to disseminate literature to smaller towns than a million "indie" (read: inefficient,

Well, thankfully there's more than one 'lingus in my cunning bag of tricks.

Charles isn't bitter, he's just business.

If that was really him playing, Ed Helms can shred some 'jo. For a comedian.

I ain't givin' ya static, friend. In all reality it was a minor (but enjoyable) sight gag, and I appreciate you covering for your colleagues.

Jim's dynamic
with the new boss is completely interesting to me, in terms of seeing someone who was confidently and obviously superior to his old boss scrambling and kinda sweating under the steely glare of SuperCharles.

Hey Leonard,
How did you miss the Steve Jobs parody? With the black turtleneck, iPhone icon mock-ups and such. I had to explain it to the person I was watching with, but it was totally there.

"The Himmler Group"
blew my ever-loving MIND!

I just want to make her giggle by tossing off one liners while I'm sliding my tongue in and out of her. Everybody wins, is what I'm saying.

Mmmm, that's good metal!

VERY cool episode for
me, the one thing I sort of wish is that the shot of Ben in the water after Desmond whips that ass (Desmond…fuck yeah…comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day yeah!) would have been longer. I wanted Ben to have a moment where he kind of shows relief that he didn't have to kill Penny,

Can you IMAGINE how
much people would flip their shit if TV started airing animal shelters "putting down" their animals? That would be 100% insane, and so METAL. They should only do the adorable animals, with Meshuggah blasting ass all over your surround sound.