
We'll always have
the first season to enjoy, but let's hope the second season doesn't bite.

Rashida, in addition to
being a beautiful woman, is right when she said her dad is cool.

I would LOVE to
see a show that was just puking cats. That would make my week.

There's a switch
at the Simpsons factory, and someone's asleep at it.

This show looks
completely bizarre, and I'm on board.

"I start with the best part, the neck!"

Don't you mean to reference Bob Loblaw's Law Blog?

SERIOUSLY. That outfit was happening in a major way.

I've had the idea
kicking around for a while that Jack is the "real" villain of the show, in a way. Tonight pretty much put a strong foot down that path for me, in this way:

Martian Judge, my apologies. I assumed there was either a) greater time/space discrepancy between Earth and her warlust-ful brother planter OR b) a 900 year minimum age requirement for seats on the judiciary on Mars.

…for tomorrow. Duh da duh da daaa!

I very much enjoyed the second and third Malazan books…y'know, give it a chance.

@AJR - catch it in a champagne flute


I had to stop reading this series
around book 8…just couldn't hack it any more.

I made a joke earlier today about telling someone there was homeless man ejaculate in their yogurt.

@Martian Judge: so you're 1,000 years old, then?

He's really happy to be alive
ever since he almost fell off…the clifths! Of Inthanity!

Meet the Parents, yes. Along Came Polly, noooo.

The only question
is whether or not this is going to be worse than the Dylan bukkakefest they did on Broadway a few years back.