
hey pal, I AM the people on this website. Or something.

I've been up all night
and I'm wearing a suit.

is what a backlash would be if it was hipper than itself.

I'll start the hipper than thou backlast
Overrated *yawn*



Isn't the guy from
Pleasure Drivers the same guy who had movie sex with Willa Ford in that one movie?

Sorry to eat your laughs like so much crawfish, but it's an otter.

I love the HELL out of DBT.

Saying the Great Society
didn't work out as planned is like saying the Challenger mission didn't work out as planned.

I was thinking "Butt Fucking Fans"

I liked the dig at Eddie "Party All The Time" Murphy via Tracy's home studio.

I call "bonesaw" sitting through the 4-foot wangfest that is Watchmen.

But that's MY Pi…

Haven't seen Titanic, and will NEVER see Revolutionary Road.

Comedy Central reran Armed And Dangerous SO MUCH a few years ago, I seem to recall. Just okay.

they got out of
the "dating Jon Hamm" thing very ably, didn't they?

The preview for this makes it look TERRIBLE. Something couples go to with moderate, moderate hopes of entertainment, then walk out unsmiling, comforting each other that it was, "Pretty good." If I were Zeus, I would reserve my most hateful lightning bolts for people who aim solidly for the middle. Death. Death

That bit is one of the most bone-simple, successful examples of comedy writing I've ever, ever seen. Colbert + Carell? C'mon, brilliance!

Right in his fucktarded "haircut".