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    Lame. I was going to get a 3DS XL, but I'm a JRPG nut so I guess I'll have to wait now. I'm still using an original model DS (not a lite, the big clunky launch version). Oh well.

    To be fair, I forgot he existed too.

    At least Eric bobbing his head will splice well into the inevitable A Night at the Roxbury youtube mashups.

    I see the difference it just sounds to me like she's saying the difference doesn't matter.

    Clearly this is all an elaborate setup to end the series with a musical episode. Try and tell me that makes less sense than anything else that has happened this season. Try. They could title it: "Once More, without Feeling"

    I like how Patti says it doesn't matter where the departed went. If it doesn't matter then what separates it from a natural disaster that kills a ton of people? Nobody went and started a cult because of the Indian tsunami or the Haitian earthquake. If the method doesn't matter then why did you start your stupid cult?

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who got the Fight Club vibe. The only good thing about being reminded of Fight Club is getting to use this quote in response:

    This and the fact that the big bad was a bunch of boring, computer generated, super vampires really made 7 the worst for me.

    Me want engaging television, not intentionally vague but ultimately empty storytelling! It's an unfair comparison because it's the gold standard, but a lack of explanation didn't keep Twin Peaks from being absolutely stunning. The Leftovers plays like utter gobbledegook when held up against it.

    Are you asking for logical consistency from True Blood? That's like asking George W Bush to explain Fermat's Last Theorem.

    Someone should make a 10-hour loop out of that scene where Lafayette dances to funk, title it "Alternate True Blood Season 7," and post it to youtube.

    Are we sure anyone is really there? Episodes like this make me think The Leftovers is the Inland Empire of shows.

    If only Bill had stumbled his way over toward Newlin only to trip and fall on a conveniently placed stake at the end.

    They should cast David Boreanaz as Kevin's long lost brother so they can all sit in a circle and scowl.

    Sarah Newlin and the Guilty Remnant? They deserve each other.

    The Garveys hate cell phones, laundromats, and talking to each other.

    Were we actually supposed to care that Bill wouldn't drink the blood at the end? Bill's too boring to give a shit about.

    I mean Aquaman as he's portrayed in Baman the Brave and the Bold:

    Brave and the Bold Aquaman would make for an awesome movie. That's why it will never happen.