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    No no no. Somebody make all my heroes stop dieing.

    Also, she basically played an Amanda Waller clone on Warehouse 13.

    Sean, I know this is going to sound like a nitpick, but please don't call the women victims. It's disempowering. They're survivors.

    I hope season 5 is the one where they finally start experimenting with pot. The world deserves to learn the distinction between drunk Tyrion and high Tyrion.

    Ok so maybe it's just me, but I initially read Kate McKinnon as Nate MacKinnon. I may be just a tad excited for hockey season to start.

    I didn't come up with this but: What do MRAs have in common with MRSA? Neither reproduce sexually.

    Does your definition of greatness include any semblance of pacing, character development, engaging dialogue, or truthfulness to the source material? Alternately, are you Zack Snyder?

    They should have, but for some reason they've decided that Snyder and Goyer are actually talented/good at making money. Of course, most of the credit for the Dark Knight trilogy goes to Nolan, not Goyer. And it's nearly impossible to make a Superman movie in today's market without it generating a ton of cash. Man of

    The point at which everyone should've stopped reading that column:
    Then they did Achtung Baby. I was like, “Okay. I get it, sort of.” - Taylor Hawkins

    It'd be nice if they decided to add Joss Whedon to the show. As in adding enough of his involvement to make it not suck.

    I think they were. After they drive off the camera pans to him and you can see he's wearing an all white/grey outfit and smoking a cigarette. It'd be really easy to mistake him for one.

    Did anyone else burst out laughing when the reverend told Kevin he's a good man? Also, since I didn't get to say this last time: Did everyone catch the moment where the GR mistook Kevin for a member while he was sitting next to the mailbox in his workout clothes and smoking a cigarette? And they asked him something

    Has anyone made a Zwan joke yet?

    Beyond the Boundary is gorgeous and so are a lot of other animes.

    No that was Adam Scott.

    He does. The Rays sell a $30 4-pound burger. The Texas Rangers sell a $26 two-foot Korean sandwich. The Diamondbacks sell a $25 18-inch corn dog. The White Sox sell a $27 12-scoop sundae. And the Pirates sell a triple-deck grilled cheese and bacon sandwich for a bargain $14.

    Could compu-tron learn to make gimmick posts that aren't in all caps? We have a large segment of human commenters here and some of those humans get what is called a migraine when reading your posts.

    This reminds me of the pieces a certain sports blogger is running wherein he goes to every ballpark and eats their craziest culinary offering. I'm also reminded that the Packers are selling a toilet seat shaped sausage item this season: http://www.sbnation.com/loo…