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    This is the first episode of Leftovers that actually works for me. It told a compelling story and didn't resort to copious amounts of self-important scoring and religious imagery. Even Two Boats and a Helicopter gets kind of ruined by the ham-fisted pigeon symbolism.

    I hope they base this movie off the episode of Justice League where Wonder Woman gets turned into a pig and Batman has to sing in a night club to save her: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

    Every time the GR enter the screen I just feel the urge to drop some Carl Sagan on these people. They're so impossibly dumb. Seriously assholes get over yourselves. If people are so empty and unimportant then why do you spend all of your time trying to find ways to piss them off? Am I supposed to sympathize with

    There actually was a great interpretation of Aquaman in the Batman the Brave and the Bold animated series. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that Aquaman's rousing song of heroism really fits in with the "gritty" and "serious" atmosphere all of the DC movies insist on going with: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

    It's 1994 you say? Oh, look at that. The Rangers are in the Stanley Cup Final.