M Kelter

you say you were never that big of a fan, which would explain why the finale wasn't soul crushing for you. BSG had a fizzle at the end, but the Lost finale was just a painfully brutal catastrophe.

i guess i missed the episode where Lost "worked". Or maybe I just watched the final episode, which invalidated everything that came before it. Probably the latter.

I don't care about any of this shit. I'm just waiting for the next episode of Breaking Bad to come out. That last cliff hanger was crazy…Walt collapsing like that?!!. Not sure how they'll top that one.

Boy, can't wait to see the next episode of Breaking Bad! How do you top all of that crazy shit?

it's that also. it's dual purpose.

I think it's all set in the American Horror Story universe…at the series end we'll find out it's all taking place in a slowglobe on Rubber Man's bed side table.

My dick is out.

yeah, the weird directions that characters went in the final season just added to the pain of a disappointing finale. you mentioned sayid…it made no sense for him to see that blondie chick at the very end and react passionately, when previously he had been so attached to his wife. there was just zero effort put into

respectfully, we'll just have to agree to disagree over that one. they offered very, very few resolutions, it was a major disappointment and really dishonest of the show to string people along the way they did with so many plot threads they never had any intention of answering. but, if you disagree, that's okay, glad

watching lost as a "trashy sci-fi melodrama" was definitely the smarter way to view the show. unfortunately, i thought they were headed somewhere pretty unique, which was not the case, so it was a bitter disappointment. the problem i have is that they encouraged people to piece together the mystery; that seemed to be

yeah, and the worst part is that i have no one to blame but myself. i had friends bail during season 3 saying the mythology would never materialize. i argued with them, but they were right. i just let myself get strung along for whatever reason. i definitely consider it to be 6 years of viewing wasted.

I don't think the mystery about whether or not the show was intended to go somewhere is "inconclusive". The show conclusively went nowhere. It was just endless cliffhangers designed to string morons like me along. I definitely consider Lost to be the most disappointing experience I've had with a show…the ending "Hey,

jesus christ sean o'neal writes the funniest fucking news stories. i've started reading news here for stories i could care less about just for the sean o'neal funny making.

"Subtle" is the vibe I'm getting from these clips. "Subtle." Like Pinter, what with the histrionics and the fucking and the screaming.

you said below, "please note that I said "fabrication", not "fraud"…I thought you might like to know that if you're looking for "an insider's perspective on autism", this probably isn't it."

me sleeping is not going to change the OP making that dick move, "hey, my kid's a verbal aspie, therefore i can call other autism parents fraudulent"…the guy's an asshole, his point is vicious. but you keep defending his attack on an autism parent if that's your thing. i'd rather ask that people focus on criticizing

yes, when someone says, "i can invalidate this parent's perspective because i have a verbal aspie"…that kind of positioning, all in an effort to claim authority and describe the authors as frauds…that's extremely arrogant and irresponsible. having a child on the spectrum does not entitle a person to speak

i'm the worst for suggesting that we shouldn't verbally attack parents who are sincerely trying to connect with their autistic children? okay, cliffy. i'm the worst. and miguel, who called these parents frauds, and who questioned the validity of their book about trying to communicate with their child…that's apparently

he says the book is fabricated…that undermines the validity of the book and of the people who wrote it. his statement isn't nuanced or balanced…he straight up calls it fabricated…after he annoints himself qualified to speak on the matter because of his verbal aspie child. which just makes it worse, since he is in no

i don't give a shit about facilitated communication either way. question it, point out it's flaws…but don't call parents trying to communicate with their child "frauds". there are autism therapies out there that are total junk…but well-meaning parents…sincere people doing everything they can to find answers…use these