M Kelter

there's also plenty of evidence of angry, bitter little internet trolls spewing venom at people and situations they know nothing about. miguel is just an asshole with a higher functioning kid talking shit about parents with a lower functioning kid. the arrogance of that, and the complete lack of respect: it's uncalled

the perspective in the book was at odds with your perspective…therefore the book is faked? to make an insanely huge leap like that is a pretty viscious, self-serving thing to do. many, many perspectives on autism are different, as it presents differently in so many cases…it makes no sense at all to position your

aw, man. no giant testicle show tonight? i was kinda hoping the pilot would get picked up and become a series. if they added in a plot where the guy sells meth, they could call it "Breaking Balls" and then we could all laugh about that. because we're dead inside. we're just…collectively, as a species, dead inside.

sigh. he creates the stories…he's the director. if you want to focus on my use of the word "write" and ignore the broader point, i guess that's…you know, the internet.

exactly…he's the director, the guy responsible for it.

it goes beyond that one factor, has more to do with Snyder's zero feel for character. His protagonists are painfully bland…again, just a pile of costumed muscles, with no sense of backstory or personality…so why combine two characters when, in Snyder's hands, they will basically be the same character? His superman

i think the point remains that snyder has zero grasp of character (generally) and certainly not the mythology of these particular characters, the kind of grasp that would make their joint appearance in a film interesting. you get the backstories…that's great, but unfortunately it's snyder making the film, and

When Snyder's Superman ended the way it did…i won't spoil it, but when Superman did that thing that he did…it ceased to be a real Superman story…and it made the entire idea of a Superman/Batman film irrelevant. In the comics, there is tension between the characters because of their worldviews and their place on the

agreed…"rural culture" would have been a better choice of words in my comment, so i changed it to reflect that.

yeah, i actually just finished weeds, which include a trip to the south in the last few episodes, so my brain was thinking "southern"…the word i should have used was "rural", i changed the comment to reflect that.

The last scene really hurt the entire season for me…because it brought into the open something the show had done a great job of concealing for the most part: the person behind the scenes is Jenji Kohan, maker of Weeds. Weeds was replete with cartoonish characters, left-field plot twists and paper thin motivations.

If James Franco is somehow Andy Kaufman in a James Franco costume…that's basically the only way this all works for me.

apparently he was pretty heavily involved with the "lost mythology" , and in interviews he pimped out the idea that the show was definitely "going somewhere", would be wrapping up the 1 trillion cliff hangers. he may not have been the driving force…but he was front and center, giving assurances, using his name to

I hated this story when it was called "my vacation from a few weeks ago"! Bam! Comedy in your face! Seriously though, Disney will corrode your insides with it's putrid culture poison. I took the kid there in July…she's now dead inside. She's just this adorable, blank-eyed, sweet, empty, precocious nightmare of a

haha. in another castle. and then it falls in a pit, but there's no piece of phone there, so it's neck stretches in a levitating manner but it can't never quite get out and then some kind of battletoads reference. toasty!

Abrams' ideas are normally bland reworkings of other, better ideas. And now one of his own ideas…smudgy with printer ink, still warm from the copy machine…will be hashed out by someone else.

you may very well be right, i'm generally terrible at predicting storylines. i tend to overthink and dwell on irrelevant threads that distort my "big picture" sense of things. curious to see how it plays out.

the very second it's out.

My ricin/finale theory: Walt's plan is to use the ricin on himself, then go shoot the bejeesus out of some people; I'm assuming a large, crowded building, along the lines of the big ass corporation through which his product is being peddled. his mentality is "empire"…and he's going to go Nero at the end, tear some

for kicks: ask me if i'm going to see it the second it's out.