
Screening for critics…
Didn't you guys review G.I. Joe despite its lack of critic screenings?


An INSPIRED use of Bowie. I care not what anyone says!

amirite fellas??

Damn, I love this man
Did you see him the trailer for lat Gervais movie, though? He has no facial hair, and t looks reeeeaaaally weird. Like, way more odd than I would have expected it to. I dunno, maybe I'm crazy.

Wait. It's not Bret "The Repo Man" Hart?

And it sound slike that horrible thing with Paris Hilton and Giles that came out a couple of years ago.

How about
a movie about the famed WWF wrestler from the 80's/early 90's?? When's THAT coming?

Starz was kinda looking slightly better with Party Down. Now it seems that it was simply there one lucky break from all of the dumb fuckery.

I eagerly await Schaeffer's response to this unwarranted attack upon his fine character.

No, no. It's justified. Schaeffer slept with my mom too.

Well, put Jordo.

I am like 6 eps behind
on this show. Gotta start catching up.

I have no "off-the-record" record. Make a record of that.

Why not just
make a sequel to the CGI flick from '07?

Scratch that—Thermals TOMORROW.

Is the stream @ pitchforktv an actual LIVE stream, or is it just a collection of performances at the end of the day or something? Because if not, I am totally making plans to watch The Thermals and Beirut today.

And now I fail because of the typo. Pay no attention to me. Move along.

Or, ya know, you could just NOT twitter, and just WRITE about the shows because all of you guys are actually talented writers and have no reason to dumb down your thoughts simply in the aid of perpetuatig this ridiculous fad. I THINK THAT COULD WORK TOO.

Just another Hollywood HOMO-cide.