
I think this
would work for World War Z. Not a long running series, of course, but a mini series for HBO—maybe even a twelve parter, focusing on each story. The movie is destined to fail. =(

The Office DID have a brilliantly realized season this year. The story telling alone played out so fluidly, while the character growth was careful and significant. I was kind of close to being done with The Office last year—if just out of complacency—but this season showed the all-around talent involved in the show.

Yeah. Cue the 30 Rock backlash. And I'm not so sure that it is undeserved. Though it is hardly the show's fault. It is obviously one of the best two or three comedies on TV, but this kind of stuff oddly works against it. Pretty lame, but I would say YES it has about reached that point.

Outstanding Voice-Over Performance
Has this always been a thing?

Between this
Bowerbirds and that Jetpacks band, sad bastards like myself have a fuckload of listening to do this week. 30 second samples, however, are massive fail.

What was the review that was just a monkey pissing in its own mouth? I remember really disliking the band, but being really annoyed with the site at the same time. Perhaps that just means I am pretentious.

I remember really disliking the BUBBLING of the cauldron, for some reason. Glad that wasn't around too long.

omg that was awesome. Thank you. I will do this more often!

I've never been first before.

I liked this band better when they were called simple plan!

I love how much of a role David Gordon Green is taking in this. The tone of the last two episdes has really been able to improve on the pilot. I like the show a little more with every episode.