Clarence Carter Aww Shit Clare

go see them live
I just saw them on Sunday night in Portland ME and they put on one hell of a show. Blew the roof off the place, it was loud as shit but they were having a blast. It's just the start of their tour so you all have a chance to see them. They're much better polished than when I first saw them 6 years ago,

Great album
I think I would have liked more — but this is a nice summer album either way. I miss the rockers/the sing alongers, but this is a smooth transition from Furr. Overall it's a bit mellower than I would have liked, but I like what they've done with their sound and the support of a label. My only gripe is

It doesn't matter, they're all great
I love any and all, I can never really keep them straight, but I'm glad that they live on 50+ years later. I think I will hunt down the entire series used somewhere because this is the type of thing I'll put in the time capsule for when my toddlers are older and I'll make them

civ wars
I've been playing Civ Wars for the past week and a half and there's definitely some strategy involved once you get higher up in levels. It's been able to captivate me for some time and I really enjoy it as it's not too heavily into getting too many skills or weapons while keeping the action and gameplay

white stripes
I was really hoping for the White Stripes to make an appearance. perhaps?

i'm old and this is my soapbox so fuck off
I'm at the age where I've seen these same discussions about music take place for years and you know what? fuck it. Do I like the music? yes. Will I listen to it? yes. At the end, we all get old and it should be less about posturing and pretension and more about asking

trivial pursuit for you
I cannot find this info on the webs, but what were the other 11 independently released (or distributed?) albums that made it to #1? Can anyone help? Any ideas? Anything on XL, I wonder if any of the boy-band stuff at the beginning of that era was independently distributed.

i just hear
I just hear buttloads of Shins, early shins. Probably the harmonies? Anyway, this is a good album, I dig it and I'm glad they're out there making some good music. B+ sounds about right.

yeah I got a bone to pick with you, AVClub
Shit, no Clarence Carter? My song "Back Door Santa" is one of them double-entendre songs. Taking a cue from the old blues references to being a "back door man" — meaning, I'm banging your wife while you're away and sneaking out the back door when you're coming in the front —

well, Boston Rob is back for season 20!! Can. not. wait.

or shit, was it B for Bees? or Box? damn looks like I'll have to rewatch THE ENTIRE SEASON AGAIN

H is for Hornets

no, there have been dumber ones but I can't think of which ones. Natalie will just go down in the records of being one of probably 5 or 6 winners who won somehow, only because the other alternatives were so despised or hated by the jury.

It's Always Sunny
Wait, you guys picked the Intervention episode? I think that by far, the best moment was from The Waitress is Getting Married where Charlie goes on a date.

This is the first mention of Survivor all year (or in a few seasons) and yes, it was great television, Russell made Survivor fun to watch, and I really really really hope TV Club follows the next season of Heroes v. Villains in Feb.

Box Office Poison
for some reason, I expected it to involve Carrot Top

yoshimi and dfa79
for the amount of splooging that came when Yoshimi was released, I'm really shocked to not see it on either of these lists. Is there any explanation or rationale? I'm not defending it, just kind of surprised given its hype at the time. Maybe I should go back and listen to it again and see if it still

nay nay, I have come to love Mt. Zoomer more than Queen Mary. I didn't think it possible, and while there are points of awesomeness and audio-blasting on Queen Mary, Mt. Zoomer is more complete. I would have liked to have seen either one on the list.

no, I'm with you there! I also don't like Animal Collective or Dirty Projectors. So there!

yeah, the lack of Wolf Parade in general is a travesty!